英语人>词典>汉英 : 令人惋惜的 的英文翻译,例句
令人惋惜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Finally the judge that defendant was the case ending one's own teaching career and good future, is regrettable, but in order to reflect the seriousness of cases and the public held in contempt, and therefore a total of 11 charges and sentenced to 10 years of deterrent penalties.

法官最后指被告因本案断送自己的教学事业及大好前途,实在令人惋惜,但为反映案件严重性及公众的不齿,因此就11项控罪合共判以10年的阻吓性刑罚。我学习网 www.ilearn.net.cn 为您提供了英语内容,希望对您的英文学习有帮助

His whole life is distressful, but he left this world he loved by a mournful way.


While Chinese people work hard, the sad truth is that many also gamble everything away.


In a way, he was the 'Poor-Devil Author'of whom Washington Irving wrote a sympathetic sketch, the man who from vast dreams of literary fame descends to ignominious hackwork.


This is a tearful story but it's not rare in our community.


Of course. People raises in the future those can filter when them offensive with regretful thing, stay a few times to be deridingly in wind only resound.


The moon shines from the gloom to the fog which rise up with the moon shining afar singing love songs to the people guiding the setting moon unexpected sorrow for this Singing the night feel sad Spring River Tiber, who lifts as Reed transpiration of water vapor in the search for tomorrow's dinner one person dinner only accompanied by an eating moon's bed watching for the moon also could not help feeling so sometimes on the road we can see the moon and talk I youth under short-term impact on the beautiful quiet now because it is lonely depressed mood, I often like the moon phases as turbulent as Tide or I may be bleak moon children....


更多网络解释与令人惋惜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cherry blossom:(櫻花盛開)

每年,百分之七十的吉野樱开花,就标志着樱花盛开(cherry blossom)期的到来. 樱花花期短,开得早,谢得也快,一不留神,花期便过. 倘若正好遇上刮风下雨,刚刚开放的樱花,还未等向世人一展风采,就四处飘零. 不免令人遗憾和惋惜.

lamentably:可悲地, 不幸地; 令人惋惜地 (副)

lamentable 可悲的, 可怜的, 哀伤的 (形) | lamentably 可悲地, 不幸地; 令人惋惜地 (副) | lamentation 悲叹; 哀悼 (名)

It would be a regrettable waste:那会是令人惋惜的浪费

Let us reason together. 让我们一起来分析一下 | It would be a regrettable waste... 那会是令人惋惜的浪费 | it would be nothing short of madness 那会是除了疯狂之外,一无是处