英语人>词典>汉英 : 令人惊讶地 的英文翻译,例句
令人惊讶地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amazingly  ·  astonishingly  ·  marvelously  ·  surprisingly

更多网络例句与令人惊讶地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"We looked at the status of the histones and found surprisingly that thymoquinone increased the acetylation process," Dr.

"我们观察组蛋白的状态并且令人惊讶地发现百里香醌能增强乙酰化的过程" Dr。

He astonishingly wants to become a good man.


Chicago, thought by many to be in the box seat, was surprisingly the first city to be eliminated, despite a visit to Copenhagen by Barack Obama.


But if he is to do the astonishing and win, against the odds and despite the fact that Democratic voters are more fired up than the disconsolate Republicans, Mr McCain still has to surmount some sizeable obstacles.


As for the software, Open Office was surprisingly easy to use-a doddle for anyone who has used Microsoft Office.

至于软件,Open Office令人惊讶地易于使用--对于用惯微软Office的人都不费吹灰之力。

Although he was generally regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist,german traditon makes Durer to hold some hits of Gothicism. At the same time, he surprised people with some Baroque features.


At the same time, he surprised people with some Baroque features. With a scientific brain like Davinci, Durer did some research into Maths and Clairvoyance and wr ote a number of notes and treatise.


Its traditional founder , Basava , taught doctrines and practices of surprising unorthodoxy : he opposed all forms of image worship and accepted only the lingam of Siva as a sacred symbol .


But I am wary when a young Chinese introduces himself to me, and starts talking about how he sees English as a tool to fulfill the needs of a growing China, and then starts hitting me with question after bewilderingly irrelevant question, topics changing with each breath.


The Frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed.


更多网络解释与令人惊讶地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amazingly:可惊地, 令人惊讶地

amazing | 令人惊异的 | amazingly | 可惊地, 令人惊讶地 | amazon stone | 天河石


package holiday 包价假期 | amazingly 令人惊讶地 | broaden one's mind 开阔心智

amazingly amazinglyadv:可惊地, 令人惊讶地

stomachs n.胃, 胃口, 胃部v.容忍 | amazingly amazinglyadv.可惊地, 令人惊讶地 | unprecedented adj.空前的


Whispered Song and inanga zither:蒲隆地(Burundi)的耳语歌唱和齐特琴的作品,全曲5分35秒. 这可能是非洲声乐呈现最令人惊讶的方法之一. 著名的蒲隆地耳语歌曲使用齐特琴伴奏,齐特琴只能在晚上演奏. 此类型的音乐为私人的集会时所奏,


乔伊斯相信,语言的单义性(univocality)只是人的幻想,多义性(equivocality)才是其基本特性. 他用语言质疑语言本身,令人惊讶地呈现出理性主义哲学所掩盖的语言的怪诞面目. 每个词语及其使用者的历史,词与词之间的联想、呼应、冲撞,

pathogenic bacteria:致病菌

令人惊讶地是,很多致病菌(pathogenic bacteria)已经进化了一种保护性的荚膜(capsule),这种荚膜可使致病菌隐藏其负荷的表面分子以避免被识别和吞噬. 病毒并不携带与细菌类似的表面分子,他们很少被巨噬细胞直接识别. 然而,

Shepherd Moons:牧羊人的月亮

在其中的单曲Orinoco Flow(英国排行第一)的帮助下,>在14个国家取得了白金销量. 接着她靠> (Shepherd Moons)重现了在全球的成功,该专辑令人惊讶地在美国Billboard排行榜上待了199周,而且销量超过1千1百万张.


surprising 令人惊讶的 | surprisingly 令人惊讶地 | surrealism 超现实主义

Shepherd Moons:牧羊人的月亮

在其中的单曲Orinoco Flow(英国排行第一)的帮助下,<<水印>>在14个国家取得了白金销量. 接着她靠<<牧羊人的月亮>> (Shepherd Moons)重现了在全球的成功,该专辑令人惊讶地在美国Billboard排行榜上待了199周,而且销量超过1千1百万张.


alternatively 作为选择的;或者 | amateurs 业余爱好者;外行 | amazingly 可惊地;令人惊讶地