英语人>词典>汉英 : 仓库工人 的英文翻译,例句
仓库工人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
storeman  ·  storesman

更多网络例句与仓库工人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Donations of keyboards, monitors, towers and cords are sorted and bundled by workers in a warehouse next to Goodwill's store on Greenville Avenue.


"Sub-Contractor" includes owners and operators of vessels, stevedores, terminal and groupage operators, road and rail transport operators, longshoremen, warehousemen and any independent contractor employed by the Carrier in performance of the Carriage.


"Sub-contractor" includes owners and operators of vessels, stevedores, terminal, warehouse, depot and groupage operators, road and rail transport operators and any independent contractor employed by the Carrier in the performance of the carriage and any sub-sub-contractor thereof.


The old men on the rising straw-rick talked of the past days when they had been accustomed to thresh with flails on the oaken barn-floor; when everything, even to winnowing, was effected by hand-labour, which, to their thinking, though slow, produced better results.


The task of players in a warehouse controlled a stevedore who will be the same as the N box pushed to the same N as a destination.


AMID the ageing brick warehouses of South Boston, an assembler at the Cole Hersee switch plant inserts the pin into a roller connecter, flattening each end with a metal press to keep it secure.


Instead of this, each capitalist has money, which he pays to his workpeople, and so enables them to supply themselves: he has also finished goods in his warehouses, by the sale of which he obtains more money, to employ in the same manner, as well as to replenish his stock of materials, to keep his buildings and machinery in repair, and to replace them when worn out.


Ce Huashi have experienced, professional designers, proficient in the workflow of the project managers, skilled workers, supporting the warehouse, plant for you from the pre-planning, coordination to design, produce a full range of services.


He added that the management then ordered the worker to inspect the other warehouse in Sungai Pinang and found the same had happened there.


On hearing the fire alarm, all the workers laid down their tools and rushed to the warehouse.


更多网络解释与仓库工人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


linesman 司线员,架线工人,边线裁判员 | shoresman 陆上勤务员 | storesman 仓库工人,仓库管理员


shoresman 陆上勤务员 | storesman 仓库工人,仓库管理员 | statesman 政治家,国务活动家


packman 小贩 | trackman 护路工人,养路工 | stockman 仓库管理员


1.blue-collar "蓝领"阶层:指那些做粗重或脏乱工作的工人,一般指一切穿工作服或保护服,挣临时工资的工人,如仓库管理员(warehousemen)、码头(港口)工人(longshoremen)、农民(farmers)矿工(miners)、建筑工人(construction workers)等.


1.blue-collar "蓝领"阶层:指那些做粗重或脏乱工作的工人,一般指一切穿工作服或保护服,挣临时工资的工人,如仓库管理员(warehousemen)、码头(港口)工人(longshoremen)、农民(farmers)矿工(miners)、建筑工人(construction workers)等.

ILWA International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union:国际码头工人和仓库管理人工会

ILU Institute of London Underwriters 伦敦保险公司学会 | ILWA International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union 国际码头工人和仓库管理人工会 | IMB International Maritime Bureau 国际海事局