英语人>词典>汉英 : 从前的 的英文翻译,例句
从前的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
former  ·  olden  ·  once  ·  onetime  ·  other  ·  whilom  ·  pridian  ·  oldened  ·  oldening

long-ago · of old · old-time · old-world · ci-devant
更多网络例句与从前的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Running as fast as his legs could carry him,Actaeon was soon out of breath .


Running as fast as his legs could carry him,Actaeon was soon out of


The Museon Arlaten was established in 1896 to record how people lived in and around Arles.


Brevet, take a good look at the accused, recall your souvenirs , and tell us on your soul and conscience, if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys, Jean Valjean?


Brevet, take a good look at the accused, recall your souvenir s, and tell us on your soul and conscience, if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys, Jean Valjean?


Because of what hardware can and cannot do, it is often a trade-off between a certain number of static graphics images, audio sound, full-motion video and text.

总结 显然多媒体决不是一种从前的技术由于硬件的能力要权衡选择静态图像,显然多媒体决不是一种从前的技术,由于硬件的能力要权衡选择静态图像,决不是一种从前的技术,声音,全运动影像和文本,可以推测,文本信息占用存储空间最小。

But what surprised me most was to see at the back of the room, on the benches which were usually empty, some people from the village sitting, as silent as we were: old Hauser with his three-cornered hat, the ex-mayor, the ex-postman, and others besides.


But it was a heavy change for Ruggieri, to pass from the active life of the chief of a party, to the unmarked situation of an individual, who had no interest in the government under which he lived, and who had exchanged the distinctions of rank and wealth for that barren respect which an unblamed old age might claim.


Marian had somehow heard that Tess was separated from her husband - probably through Izz Huett - and the good-natured and now tippling girl, deeming Tess in trouble, had hastened to notify to her former friend that she herself had gone to this upland spot after leaving the dairy, and would like to see her there, where there was room for other hands, if it was really true that she worked again as of old.


Time eliminate all the worries and strifes,because we are not what we are before.we are changing.neither the offender nor the offended are the same one.

1, 时间可以去除忧虑和争吵,因为我们大家都在改变,不再与从前一样。触犯者和被触犯者都已经不是从前的那个人了。

更多网络解释与从前的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


pristine原来的,古时的,原始的 | erstwhile从前的(以前的,原来的,往昔) | intimidationn. 恐吓,威胁


ex- 1.向外;离开;脱离 ex.tract | 2.从前的;前任的 ex-wife | extra-1.在...之外的;超出...范围的 extra.martial

of old:古时的, 从前的, 很久以前的

never too old to learn 学无止境, 活到老学到老 | of old 古时的, 从前的, 很久以前的 | old and young 无论老少; 人人


old-styled /旧式/ | old-time /从前的/旧式的/老练的/ | old-timer /老前辈/老人/旧式的人/


old-world 从前的 | olden 从前的 | older 年长的

former previous onetime:以前的,从前的

荒凉的 bleak desolate wild | 以前的,从前的 former previous onetime | 足够的:充足的 enough ample adequate bumper


twopence /两便士/两便士银币/ | twopenny /两便士的/不足道的/低廉的/从前的一种啤酒/头/ | tworotor /双缸转子内燃机/


whiles /有时/之间/一面/ | whilom /曾经/以前/从前/以前的/从前的/ | whim /反覆无常/一时的兴起/任性/起矿滑车/突然的念头/

old world:从前的

old-womanish 挑剔的 | old-world 从前的 | olden 从前的

old world:从前的/古代世界的/古色古香的

old-womanish /老太婆似的/挑剔的/ | old-world /从前的/古代世界的/古色古香的/ | oldState /旧状态/