英语人>词典>汉英 : 从事农业 的英文翻译,例句
从事农业 的英文翻译、例句


follow the plough
更多网络例句与从事农业相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the village which suffers most,for it is not easy to break the traditional bonds uniting agriculturist families to families of craftsmen,nor to dispel the idea that some one who follows the traditional calling of this caste is acting in a more"suitable" way than some one who takes up a different occupation.


Is the village which suffers most, it is not easy to break the traditional bonds uniting It for agriculturist families to families of craftsmen, to dispel the idea that some one who follows the nor traditional calling of this caste is acting in a more"suitable" way than some one who takes up a different occupation.


It is the village which suffers most,for it is not easy to break the traditional bonds uniting agriculturist families to families of craftsmen,nor to di el the idea that some one who follows the traditional calling of this caste is acting in a more"suitable" way than some one who takes up a different occupation.


And try to design the fitful agriculture insurance mode of China.


In today's economy these providers of services far outunmber producers of agricultural and manufactured goods .


Now they undertake both farming and stockbreeding.


The finding of our research indicates that the different institutions of land create different incentive to the persons who engage in the agriculture. At the same time, the change of benefit space is caused by the movement of price and finical impacts on the activity of farmers.


The finding of our research indicates that the different institutions of land create different incentive to the persons who engage in the agriculture. At the same time, the change of benefit space is caused by the movement of price and finical impacts on the activity of farmers. Hence, the change of institution plays an important role in the agricultural economic growth after China' s reform and opening.


The sustainability of agro-ecosystem in Shanxi province has been rising under some measures such as reverting farmland to forest, transferring labor force from agriculture to industry and service, increasing agro-technology and so on. From 1980 to 2006, forestland increased from 1605kha to 3757kha, renewable environmental emergy increased from 9.47E+21sej to 1.26E+22sej, agricultural laborer reduced from 7.03×10~6 person to 6.40×10~6 person so that labor emergy decreased 9%, unrenewable supplemental emergy went up from 1.11E+22sej to 2.17E+22sej, increased 143%.


However, the owner of the farm, who is transformed from a agricultural producer into a leisure farm owner, is limited by the lack of environment planning and the capacity of management. Besides, the agricultural guidance and the government policy are not clear enough to the environment planning of leisure farms. That is the reason why the planning of farms far away from the meanings and functions of leisure agriculture.


更多网络解释与从事农业相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"在当代发达国家,农民(farmer)完全是个职业概念,指的就是经营农场、农业(farm)的人. 这个概念与渔民(fisher)、工匠(artisan)、商人(merchant)等职业并列,在法律上他们都是市民(西语中公民、市民为同一词),只不过从事的职业有别.


库尔德语是一种接近法尔斯语(Farsi)和普什图语(Pashto)的西部伊朗语言. 总人口约3000万,其中包括聚居在亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、哈萨克斯坦、黎巴嫩和叙利亚等地的库尔德人. 传统上,库尔德人过着游牧生活,放牧绵羊和山羊,并从事农业.

market gardening:园艺农业

市场园艺农业(market gardening)是为城市提供蔬菜、水果等商业性的农业. 有时也称为商品园艺业(truck farming). 这种农业的兴起与发展与现代世界城市化的速度加快有关,为城市提供市民必需的食物. 从事商品园艺业的农民实行的是专业化、集约化生产蔬菜、水果、葡萄等,

paid maternity leave:带薪的产假

进入科技前沿领域:to have stepped into the frontiers of science and technology | 带薪的产假:paid maternity leave | 从事农业生产:to be engaged in agricultural production


库尔德语是一种接近法尔斯语(Farsi)和普什图语(Pashto)的西部伊朗语言. 总人口约3000万,其中包括聚居在亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、哈萨克斯坦、黎巴嫩和叙利亚等地的库尔德人. 传统上,库尔德人过着游牧生活,放牧绵羊和山羊,并从事农业.

rural area:农村

研讨会围绕这些问题作了热烈发言,现将主要观点概述如下: 一、城市与区域的基本概念 1、城乡地域的本质差别 (1)乡村=农村(rural area) 以从事农业生产为主的人聚居的地方.

urban area:城市地区

其中路店、小村和村庄属于小规模的分散定居形式,居民主要从事农业生产活动,这种聚落形式统称农村地区(rural area),镇、城市、大都市和城市群属于大规模的集中聚居形式,居民主要从事非农产业活动,这类地区通常被称为城市地区(urban area).

rurban community area:从事农业的居住区

rural highway 农村公路 | rurban community area 从事农业的居住区 | rush mat 苇席

land girl:战时代替服兵役的男子从事农业农动的妇女

战时菜园/victory garden | 战时代替服兵役的男子从事农业农动的妇女/land girl | 战死的精英一代/lost generation

Benin City:贝宁城

首府贝宁城(Benin City),是州工商业中心,拥有全州最好的医疗设施和教育机构. 农业为主,70%的人口从事农业. 主要农产品为木薯、水稻、大蕉、玉米、橡胶、可可、油棕等. 矿藏资源丰富,主要有石油、天然气、陶土、大理石、黄金、煤、石膏等.