英语人>词典>汉英 : 人格高尚的 的英文翻译,例句
人格高尚的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与人格高尚的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the whole journey activity that nurses in medical treatment, be full of heart of enthusiastic, love, responsibility, set oneself an example to others, severe at the law already, be the first abide by discipline is abide by the law, be kind to every patient and the person that call in, in order to be not influence sex consequence, through be being made with the body duty, make paramedic is sincerely convinced, with exalted character charm is affected and driving whole family paramedic is in the job play first-rate efficiency. 2 good psychology quality and communication ability matron are basic level leader, bear job is trival, sister must handle multifarious day-to-day work everyday, the quality control of the order arrangement that if the patient goes out,reachs nurse of property management, section office into the article management of the courtyard, each order,...


As for his wife, Dakmema, her compassion for Mila was humanly noble and circumstantially necessary and she was indeed his friend, mother and spiritual guide.


Therefore, he doesn't think it is the lofty and indiscriminately loving.


Therefore he doesn't think it is lofty and indiscriminately loving.


In his opinion, his poetics was the embodiment and the development of the traditional poem. Chapter 3 to chapter 5, the three people's views of inditement, appreciation, aesthetics and the value of poems were discussed respectively.


I hope : my future husband has a comprehensive knowledge structure, rational thinking, noble character and pure heart, it is best that could read musical notation.


Teachers as engineers of human souls, is that students progress in their knowledge and ideas mentor, must have a noble morality and personality, noble character of the teaching art.


Sydney Carton is a noble personality, we can have this great love.

Sydney Carton有着高尚的人格,这份爱情也有着我们难以想象的伟大。

His concept of creation of painting. In his opinion, pure painting art has to be relative to lives and unpractical. And an artist should have a respectable character as well as skillful techniques. He thought the Chinese painting was more subjective and metaphysical but the western one is more objective and realistic. Feng had great achievement on cartoons because it was the kind of painting that relied on simple brushworks, meaning, symbols, and literary which all correspond to his principles.


My finall goal is not power or wealth, but is to become an person who know many knowledges and also have expertises, and has an attractive personality.


更多网络解释与人格高尚的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他在>(The New Republic)和 >(Asia)两个杂志上发表的几十篇文章,都是用最忠实的态度对于世界为我们做解释的. 因为他的人格高尚,故世界的人对于他的评判几乎没有异议. (除了朴兰德(Bland)一流的妄人!

Harlan:哈伦, 条顿, 来自寒冷的国度

Hardy 哈帝 德国 勇敢,人格高尚之人. | Harlan 哈伦 条顿 来自寒冷的国度. | Harley 哈利 英国 到处是野兔的草原或小树林.

Harlan:条顿 来自寒冷的国度

Hardy 德国 勇敢,人格高尚之人 | Harlan 条顿 来自寒冷的国度 | Harley 英国 到处是野兔的草原或小树林


在中国没有所谓的情人(lover),只有情妇(Mistress). 情人是精神上的、柏拉图式的,就像柴可夫斯基与梅茜夫人,一辈子只是擦肩而过一次,却默默地为对方付出一切. 情人有高尚的情操,是有人格的. 但在目前的中国,

respectability:可尊敬; 受尊敬者; 体面; 体面人士 (名)

resourcefulness 足智多谋 (名) | respectability 可尊敬; 受尊敬者; 体面; 体面人士 (名) | respectable 值得尊重的, 不少的, 人格高尚的 (形)

respectably:可敬地; 体面地; 高尚地; 尚可地 (副)

respectable 值得尊重的, 不少的, 人格高尚的 (形) | respectably 可敬地; 体面地; 高尚地; 尚可地 (副) | respecter 尊敬的人; 熟虑的人 (名)


他在<<新共和国>>(The New Republic)和 <<亚细亚>>(Asia)两个杂志上发表的几十篇文章,都是用最忠实的态度对于世界为我们做解释的. 因为他的人格高尚,故世界的人对于他的评判几乎没有异议. (除了朴兰德(Bland)一流的妄人!