英语人>词典>汉英 : 人人 的英文翻译,例句
人人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
everybody  ·  everyone

all such · each and all · every man Jack · every mother's son · all and sundry
更多网络例句与人人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Steady point of view ---Positive autosuggestion Tests, the entrance examination facing, everybody has the worry, everybody fears the defeat, and everybody has weakness, but you must raise begin very draw out the chest, on the face brings to smile, in the heart is installing the sunlight, said to oneself: I can be good!


So long as you have the ability to negotiate there is a demand for the group Friends of the bargain and toaok away a certain percentage of compensation, as long as there is demand you can organize groups has been launched here to buy everyone you can be a head, everyone could become members.


In any case, excessive colloquialism and simplistic reflection led to the lack of imagination. It has become a problem that everyone is an artist but everybody a phony artist.


We all know life is the cumulation of time. While everybody cherishes his life, very few people would make the best use of his time.


As long as you would like to, the everyone can become the scientist, the everyone can be invented via acquired the latest knowledge, the great innovation won't be always remained with a few scientists, the true era of the knowledge geometric progression growth will be arrival soon.


At that time, our everybody can get online, everybody has a jotter, can inquire information from the understanding on the net at any time.


The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.Frederick Pollck ,British jurist

法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的英国法学家波洛克 F

The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.----Frederick Pollock ,British jurist


If you do, are you quite sure you have the particular kind of talent required (for, remember, everybody cannot become a philologist any more than everybody can become a mathematician )?


Katyn massacre is nearly too trivial to get noticed among innumerable massacres in WW2.human-beings,all are made from flesh and bones,all are given life by their parents,all play the role of sons,brothers,husbands,fathers...could turn out to be such cruel creatures as killing their counterparts by unimaginable horrible measures for some hypocrite reasons sugarcoated by glorious excuses like " to flatten the bourgeois regime "" to overthrow people's enemy"...

Katyn 大屠杀在二战中无数的屠杀中几乎是沧海一粟。人人都是血肉之躯,人人都由父母给予生命,人人都扮演着儿子,兄弟,丈夫或父亲的角色。而正是这样的人,却能够变得像野兽一样凶残,向自己的同类大开杀戒。还要找一些看似光辉实际虚伪无比的理由---&打倒资产阶级政权&&推翻人民的敌人&。。。

更多网络解释与人人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all such:大家, 人们, 人人 所有这一类的人[物]

alcohol yeast 酒精酵母 | all such 大家, 人们, 人人 所有这一类的人[物] | fairy checks 花式格子花纹

all such:大家, 人们, 人人 所有这一类的人

all standing | 来不及落帆地 突然地 冷不提防地 | all such | 大家, 人们, 人人 所有这一类的人 | all sugar and honey | 甜言蜜语

all such:人人 大家

all-star 明星云集 | all such 人人 大家 | all that glitters is not gold 闪亮的未必是金子

Everybody says "We are not conformist:人人都说我们不盲从

Is it rather like having a parent that you... can rebel against?|就像有个可以叛逆的家长吗? | Everybody says "We are not conformist"|人人都说我们不盲从 | But everybody is.|但人人都很盲从

each and every:人人都,每一个

He gets a number of perquisits, over and above his salary. 他除了薪金之外, 还有好些额外收入. | 11. each and every 人人都,每一个 | Each and every may go there. 人人都可以去那里.

gunnery jack:[谚]人人皆有妻可娶; 人各有偶

[谚]人人皆有妻可娶; 人各有偶. Every Jack shall have his Gill | [谚]人人皆有妻可娶; 人各有偶. gunnery jack | [英、海、俚]炮术训练舰的射击检查官makes one's jack

everybody hopes:人人都希望

share the news that's what makes it real 与人分享,会使感觉更加真切 | everybody hopes 人人都希望 | everybody dreams 人人都梦想


26) Witnesses [目目目目击击击击者者者者] | 27) Martians [火火火火星星星星人人人人] | 28) Starlight on Teeth [齿齿齿齿上上上上的的的的星星星星光光光光]

Shem God:虚幻上帝----人人都知道的啦

Hypernotizer--迷惑者---球从背后抛出的那个 | Shem God-----虚幻上帝----人人都知道的啦 | Slow Motion---慢镜头---人人都知道的啦

University of Sherbrooke:谢布鲁克大学 hyF人人留学网-出国留学信息网

13 University of Montreal蒙特利尔大学 hyF人人留学网-出国留学信... | 14 University of Sherbrooke谢布鲁克大学 hyF人人留学网-出国留学信息网 | 15 University of Manitoba 曼尼托巴大学hyF人人留学网-出国留学信...