英语人>词典>汉英 : 交际 的英文翻译,例句
交际 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
company  ·  contact  ·  contacts  ·  intercommunicate  ·  sociality  ·  society  ·  companied  ·  companies  ·  companying  ·  contacted  ·  intercommunicated  ·  intercommunicates  ·  societies

更多网络例句与交际相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Non-verbal communication is also called as body language and kinesics. In other words, the information could be delivered through silent language which consists of one's hand movement, posture, facial expression, temporal and special behavior, the tune and pitch, and so on.


These strategies function as the ostensive stimuli to attract the audience's attention on the one hand and to direct the audience to proceed towards the optimal relevance on the other hand.


Sociolinguistics being on the rise , society attribute and communicative function having affirmed language; The range , way and style studying result has indicated the specially appointed social intercourse environment , specially appointed social intercourse marriage partner , specially appointed social intercourse subject to language sigmatism about style , register aspect may produce specially appointed effect.


Aiming at the character of oral-communication teaching, combining with the theory of pedagogy, psychology and sociometry, on the basis of hold the principle of oral communication and its teaching, based on the practice of oral-communication teaching, this paper gropes for the.


Drawing on studies in intercultural communication, applied linguistics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse studies and other researches related to the studies of language, culture and communication, the author bases her ideology for interculturalizing ELT in China mainly on three lines of thinking: 1 the perception of language, communication and culture as triunity in language teaching and learning; 2 the understanding of the English teaching/learning process as dialogic interactions between the learner and the culture Other and between their pertaining linguacultures; 3 the rethinking of ELT in China as intercultural literacy education oriented towards intercultural speakership of the learner as a full-fledged member of the global community powered with intercultural communication competence in English.


The characteristics of oral English communication include:(1) the casualness of oral communication;(2) the immediacy of oral English; and (3) the spontaneity of oral English.


The Theory of Relevance takes human communication as one of the cognitive matters and thinks that the key point for successful communication must be in the communicators' cognitive environments, or, should the communication be successful, the significance exists in the communicators' manifestness and mutual manifestness.


This thesis aims to investigate Computer-mediated communication on this framework and offers a new angle of CMC study. It explores how the message sender and receiver make contribution to successful CMC by their mutual efforts through ostension and inference respectively.


Chapter Four answers the third research question by further examining the role of triadic interpreter as communication facilitator.


Thinking over to the survey and connecting with remands of the course standard to the pupils'speaking communicative abilities, the author bring up some speaking teaching to improve the pupils'Chinese speaking communicative abilities. As teachers, we must renew our own speaking teaching ideas stepping out from the thinking, role and studying wrong areas; we should improve our own language qualities and make solid foundation; we should explore the ways to improve the Chinese speaking communicative teaching results. Such as: paying much attention to training of listening and speaking; making full use of the class teaching; giving full play to the teachers'guide role in every procedure; trying to get the result of reacting from two sides; connecting the speaking teaching with the regular reading and writing teaching together; getting the feed back in time; setting up a whole scientific evaluative system and speaking teaching material store.


更多网络解释与交际相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

communicative competence:交际能力

Hymes(1972)提出了"交际能力"(communicative competence)的理论,进一步表明了社会环境下语言的功能. 可见,"学习英语的最根本目的在于能运用英语进行实际交际. 1999年十一月份提出的我国基本阶段英语新课程标准(修改稿)(>,2000--1),

intercultural communicative competence:跨文化交际能力

当今世界跨文化交往的实现,促成了"跨文化交际能力"( intercultural communicative competence)概念的提出. 所谓跨文化交际能力,一般是指不同文化背景的人们相互进行交际时所具有的多元文化意识,以及避兔因受单元文化影响而出现的语用失误,使交际得以成功进行的综合能力.

intercultural communicative competence:跨文化交际

交际能力:and Communicative competence | 跨文化交际:intercultural communicative competence | 交际能力发展:development of communicative competence

cross-cultural communicative competence:跨文化交际能力

口头交际能力:verbal communicative competence | 跨文化交际能力:cross-cultural communicative competence | 口语交际能力:communicative competence in oral English

Oral communicative competence:口语交际能力

口语交际能力:oral communicative ability | 口语交际能力:Oral communicative competence | 交际策略:communicative strategy

communicative ability:交际能力

文章摘要:一、交际教学法的理论基础交际教学法(CLT)起源于60年代晚期的英国传统的结构主义教学方法,认为教学的重点应该摆在"交际能力"(communicative ability)上.

communicative dynamism, CD:交际性动力

communicative competence 交际能力 | communicative dynamism, CD 交际性动力 | communicative language teaching, CLT 交际语言教学法

Intercultural Communication:跨文化交际学

跨文化交际学(Intercultural Communication)是本世纪70年代西方国家兴起的一门边缘学科,是指不同文化背景的人们在各种交际中涉及到的文化诸方面. 在跨文化交际过程中,信息的发出者和接受者来自不同的文化环境,分别受到其文化背景和生活经历的影响,

communicative oral test:交际法口试

口语交际能力:the oral communicative ability | 交际法口试:communicative oral test | 口语交际能力:oral communicative ability

a tea hound:爱交际的男子,爱和女人交际的男子

please come to taw请站到起跑线 | a tea hound爱交际的男子,爱和女人交际的男子 | At the bad news,she shed crocodile tears.听到这个坏消息,她假装哭起来. Crocdile tears假哭,假慈悲