英语人>词典>汉英 : 交界 的英文翻译,例句
交界 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
confine  ·  march  ·  marched  ·  marches  ·  interfaces

have a common border · have a common boundary · juncture of · march with
更多网络例句与交界相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Regarding to different successful ablation monitoring indicatives, patients were divided into ablation group in traditional methodand ablation group with atria pacemaking showing slow pathway conduction block as successful ablation indicative.86of groupⅰ presented junction rhythm in dischargeing 15s or early pacemade then consecutively discharged 60~90 seconds; in groupⅱ 67 patients after dischargeing 15s showed junction rhythm or after early pacemaking delayed dischargeing to 20s then stopped dischargeing.

按不同的有效消融判断指标分为传统方法消融组和以心房起搏显示慢径前传导阻滞作为有效消融指标消融组。i组86例在放电后15 s内以出现交界心律或早搏后继续放电60~90 s;ii组67例放电15 s内出现交界心律或早搏后延迟放电至20 s停止放电,以术前av1﹕1最短间期心房刺激(s1s1)显示慢径前传阻滞后停止起搏继续放电至60 s。

Nature of tumor margin, cellular pleomorphism, frequency of mitoses and tumor necrosis were statistically appropriate composition in histological diagnosis of phyllode tumor. Wide local excision is preferred for the benign and borderline phyllode tumor, while simple mastectomy is indicated for recurred borderline and malignant, but tylectomy should be abolished in the treatment of phyllode tumor.


The boundary between the transport layer and the session layer can be through of as the boundary between application protocols and data-flow protocols.


The results showed that loading Ag^+, Ni^2+, Cu^2+ or Zn^2+ ion on the activated carbon obviously improved its adsorption of benzothiophene, while loading Fe^3+ or Co^3+ ion on the activated carbon caused a decrease in its adsorption of benzothiophene in comparison with the original unloaded activated carbon, which was due to the variation of the nature of soft and hard acid on the surface of the activated carbon.


Different operation were selected in 40 patients according the type of concealed penis. Simple concealed penis: weight reduction and observation or Y-V plasty of acrobystia. Phimosis type: slitting the outer plate of prepuce at 2, 6 and 10 clock point and at 4, 8 and 12 clock point on the inner plate then making a tongue-groove suture. Fascia bands type: removing the dysgenic dartos fascia band and moving up the penoscrotal spot and make a Y-V plasty. Webbing penis: taking a transsection and longitudinal suture at the penoscrotal spot.


Results About 39 cases were diagnosed as benign tumors,majority of which were demoid cysts.The another one case was borderline mucinous cystadenoma.Eight cases were diagnosed by ultrasound examination during the first trimester(53.33 %),4 had complication to do emergency operations,3 were caused by torsion,one by rupure.Serum samples for CA125 estimation were obtained from 3 before operations.AS a result,2 cases were elevated,one of which was borderline mucinoers cystadenoma.38 cases were full-term birth.

结果 妊娠期良性肿瘤39例,占97.5%,以生殖细胞肿瘤多见,黏液性囊腺瘤交界型1例;孕早期超声诊断8例,占孕期发现总例数的53.33%(8/15);有4例出现并发症并行急诊手术,扭转3例,破裂1例,术前3例行CA125检查,2例升高,其中1例为黏液性囊腺瘤交界型;足月分娩38例,占95.00%。

Under administrative economy of China, the main reason of the slow development of the economy of interregional zones is the excessive cost of transaction.


The positve rates in serous carcinomas and borderline tumors were 39.3% and 55.6%, significantly lower than that in benign tumors and normal ovaries (P.05), but the statistical differences were not found between borderline tumors and serous carcinomas, benign tumors and normal ovaries.2 WWOX mRNA and protein expression in ovarin seruous tumors2.1 WWOX mRNA expression in ovarin seruous tumors The result of RT-PCR showed that WWOX mRNA expression were detected in 29 of 32 ovarian serous benign tumors, 12 of 16 ovarian serous borderline tumors, and 21 of 45 ovarian serous carcinomas respectively.

阳性条带密度扫描定量结果,卵巢浆液性癌中PTEN蛋白表达相对量为0.34±0.12比正常卵巢和浆液性囊腺瘤和交界性囊腺瘤明显降低(p.05),其余各组间无统计学差异。3.2.2 PTEN蛋白FCM检测结果FCM结果,卵巢浆液性癌PTEN蛋白表达的FI值(0.908±0.023)明显低于正常卵巢、卵巢囊腺瘤和交界性囊腺瘤的FI值,差异有统计学意义(P.05)。3.2.3 PTEN蛋白免疫组织化学结果35例浆液性囊腺瘤、18例交界性囊腺瘤和56例浆液性癌中,分别有31例、15例和29例呈阳性表达。

Coasting north rises to visit the big mouth stream outlet of have a common boundary with Heibei, the rubiginous needle stream outlet that visits have a common boundary with Jiangsu arrives south, full-length 3121 kilometers, occupy the 1/6 of countrywide coasting overall length about.


Results in 18 cases(39.13%),cwi appeared as wedge-shaped areas on ct scan or mri,the infarcts located at marginal zones between the anterior and middle cerebral arteries and were usually associated clinical with hemiparesis,transcortical motor aphasia and dementia.

脑分水岭梗死(cerebral watershed infarcts,cwi)多发生在脑内大血管供血的交界区或边缘带,或大脑中动脉的皮层支与深穿支供血的交界区,偶见于小脑的两条动脉供血交界区的脑组织。

更多网络解释与交界相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

closed mitral commissurotomy:闭式二尖瓣交界分离术

闭合性气胸-closed pneumothorax? | 闭式二尖瓣交界分离术-closed mitral commissurotomy | 闭式二尖瓣交界扩张器-dilator for closed mitral commissurotomy

border crossing point:交界点

border control office 边界控制办公室 | border crossing point 交界点 | border crossing stage 交界

pityriasis rosea:背部交界恶性肿瘤

耳部皮肤交界恶性肿瘤 Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta | 背部交界恶性肿瘤 Pityriasis rosea | 盆腹腔交界性肿瘤 Pityriasis rubra pilaris

pityriasis alba:指结缔组织交界性肿瘤

垂体依赖性库欣[柯兴]病 Pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease | 指结缔组织交界性肿瘤 Pityriasis alba | 皮肤交界恶性肿瘤 Pityriasis lichenoides chronica

Other prurigo:骶前结缔组织交界恶性肿瘤

其他预防性手术 Other prophylactic surgery | 骶前结缔组织交界恶性肿瘤 Other prurigo | 颈静脉交界恶性肿瘤 Other pruritus

Atrioventricular junction:房室交界

atrioventricular interval P-R间期 | atrioventricular junction 房室交界 | atrioventricular junctional escape beat 房室交界性逸搏

junctional tachycardia:交界性心动过速

junctional rhythm 交界性心律 | junctional tachycardia 交界性心动过速 | juvenile hypertension 青少年高血压

junctional rhythm:交界性心律

jugular venous pulsation 颈静脉搏动 | junctional rhythm 交界性心律 | junctional tachycardia 交界性心动过速

Lichenoid drug reaction:腹部交界恶性肿瘤

其他特指部位交界恶性肿瘤 Lichen striatus | 腹部交界恶性肿瘤 Lichenoid drug reaction | 生活方式相关情况 Lifestyle-related condition

Papulosquamous disorder unspecified:腿部交界恶性肿瘤

乳头多瘤空泡病毒感染 NOS Papovavirus infection unspecified | 腿部交界恶性肿瘤 Papulosquamous disorder unspecified | 臀部交界恶性肿瘤 Papulosquamous disorders in diseases classif elsewhere