英语人>词典>汉英 : 交叉反应 的英文翻译,例句
交叉反应 的英文翻译、例句


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The levels of schistosome circulating cathodic antigen in serum and urine were detected parallelly by McAb-Dot-ELISA. In 81 acute cases, the positive rates in serum and urine were 96.30% and 66.67%(P<0.01) but the combined positive (positive in serum and/or in urine) rate reached 100%, while in 109 chronic cases, they were 77.06% and 10.09%(P<0.01) but the combined positive rate was not increased. In 100 healthy individuals from non-endemic areas, no positives were detected in serum and urine with false positive rate of 0%. The cross reaction rates in serum and urine of 51 cases with clonorchiasis were 9.43% and 0% but all were 0% in 48 cases with ancylostomiasis.

提要 应用McAb-Dot-ELISA平行检测血吸虫病人的血清和尿样(浓缩20倍)中日本血吸虫肠相关趋阴极循环抗原。81例急性血吸虫病患者的血清和尿样的阳性率分别为96.30%和66.67%,而血清和尿样组合检测的阳性检出率提高至100%。109例慢性血吸虫病患者的血清和尿样的阳性检出率分别为77.06%和10.09%,组合检测的阳性检出率没有提高。100份健康人的血清和尿样的假阳性率均为0%。54例华支睾吸虫病患者的血清和尿样的交叉反应率分别为9.43%和0%。48例钩虫病患者的血清和尿样的交叉反应率均为0%。

The cross-reaction rate with CEA was 6%,with AFP,CA125 and CA153 was negligible.


The limited detectable concentration was 85μg/L. The cross-reaction rate between PAb and other pyrethroid pesticides was low, except deltamethrin.


Considering, it is limited the cross-reactivity displayed by a single HVR peptide. We designed to ligate several high reactive HVR1 genes, and the recombinant fused protein containing several HVRls would have the ability to cross-react with most of HCV infected sera, and could be an effective immunogen of HCV vaccine.


In conclusion, antisera collected from skin graft immunized cattle had higher antibody titer but with more cross-reaction than sera collected from parous cows. The cross-reaction of alloantisera from skin graft immunized animals existed although they had been diluted and absorbed.


The McAb against dimethoate showed certain cross reactivity for omethoate and weak cross reactivity for other several analogous compounds, and it displayed low titers and a low affinity constant. The titers of McAb in cells supernatant and ascites were 1:32 and 1:1024, respectively. The affinity constant of McAb was 1.4×10^4 L/mol.

通过杂交瘤技术,获得1株特异分泌抗乐果McAb的杂交瘤细胞,其培养上清与腹水效价分别为1:32和l:1024, McAb亲和常数为1.4×10^4L/mol,与氧化乐果的交叉反应率为10.6%,与其他所测结构类似的农药交叉反应率均小于0.5%。

The immunological traits such as titer,affinity,sensitivity and specificity of this mAb were characterized.The results showed that the conjugation ratio of SM to BSA in SM artificial antigen was about 25∶1.The titer of supernatant hybridoma cell lines of 3F9-C4 was 1∶3.2×10~2 by indirect ELISA.The isotypes in ascites was IgG_(2a)/κ,the affinity constant was 8.4×10~(11)L/mol,IC50 was 8.99μg/L,cross-reactivity to dihydrostreptomycin was 109.6% and little cross-reactivity to other compounds.


The immunological traits such as titer, affinity, sensitivity and specificity of this mAb were characterized. The results showed that the conjugation ratio of SM to BSA in SM artificial antigen was about 25:1. The titer of supernatant hybridoma cell lines of 3F9-C4 was 1:3.2×10^2 by indirect ELISA. The isotypes in ascites was IgG(subscript 2a)/k, the affinity constant was 8.4×10^11L/mol, IC50 was 8.99μg/L, cross-reactivity to dihydrostreptomycin was 109.6% and little cross-reactivity to other compounds.

结果表明,BSA-SM人工抗原分子结合比为1:25;筛选出3F9-C4敏感特异的杂交瘤细胞l株,间接ELISA 刚定细胞培养上清,效价为l:3.2×10^2,同种型为IgG(下标 2a)/k腹水的亲和常数为8.4×10^11L/mol;IC50为8.99μg/L,与双氢链霉素交叉反应为109.6%,与其他SM结构相似物和功能近似物无交叉反应性。

The ELISA assay established with the crude antigen-specfic monoclonal antibodies could detect both of the clinical and environmental isolates of Aspergllius, while the other assay could only detect Aspergillus fumigatus of both clinical and environmental isolates.And no cross reaction with the cell culture of Penialllium marneffei and Candidas was observed with the two methods.


objective to establish immunological methods specific for detecting antigens in different groups of monoclonal antibodies.methods indirect immnofluorescence assay was applied to identify specificity of the two groups of monoclonal antibodies prepared with crude antigen and recombinant antigen of aspergillus fumigatus,respectively.two different double monoclonal antibody sandwich elisa assays established with the two groups of antibodies were performed to detect antigents in the cell culture supermatants of 19 common species of aspergillus,penicillium marneffei,and 5 species of candidas.results the results of indirect immnofluorescence assay indicated that the monoclonal antibodies prepared with crude antigen of aspergillus fumigatus were specific for antigens in both clinical isolates and environmental isolates of aspergillus, whereas the other group of monoclonal antibodies was proved to be specific for aspergillus fumigatus of both clinical and environmental isolates.the elisa assay established with the crude antigen-specfic monoclonal antibodies could detect both of the clinical and environmental isolates of aspergllius, while the other assay could only detect aspergillus fumigatus of both clinical and environmental isolates.and no cross reaction with the cell culture of penialllium marneffei and candidas was observed with the two methods.conclusion the elisa assays can detect both of the clinical and environmental isolates of aspergillus,and differentiate aspergillus fumigatus from other species of aspergillus.

目的 用2组曲霉单克隆抗体建立特异性识别不同种类曲霉抗原的检测方法。方法采用天然烟曲霉抗原免疫,获得广谱针对曲霉抗原的单克隆抗体;采用重组烟曲霉抗原获得特异性针对烟曲霉抗原的单克隆抗体,用间接免疫荧光鉴定,并分别建立2种双抗体夹心elisa法,对19种常见的环境和临床分离曲霉株、马尔尼菲氏青霉菌及念珠菌培养液进行检测。结果间接免疫荧光显示,用天然烟曲霉抗原免疫获得的单克隆抗体(mabs-1)可广谱识别多种曲霉分离株,而重组烟曲霉抗原获得的单克降抗体(mabs-2)仅能特异性结合临床和环境分离的烟曲霉抗原。用mabs-1建立的双抗体夹心elisa法可检测19种常见曲霉株培养液;用特异性针对烟曲霉抗原单克降抗体(mabs-2)建立的双抗体夹心elisa法可特异性检测临床和环境分离株烟曲霉培养液;与其他曲霉株无交叉反应;2种双抗体夹心elisa法与马尔尼菲氏青霉菌及念珠菌培养液均无交叉反应

更多网络解释与交叉反应相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cross ratio:交比, 重比

cross rate | 套汇率 | cross ratio | 交比, 重比 | cross reacting antibody | (锡疫)交叉反应抗体


cross-purpose 相反目的 | cross-question 盘问 | cross-reactive 可交叉反应

cross-question:盘问, 反复询问 盘问, 审问

cross-purposes | at cross purposes 目的相反;话不投机;有成见 | cross-question | 盘问, 反复询问 盘问, 审问 | cross-reactive | 可交叉反应

corn earworm:玉米螟蛉, 玉米穗夜蛾

corn borer 玉米螟 yùmǐmíng | corn earworm 玉米螟蛉, 玉米穗夜蛾 yùmǐmínglíng, | cross reaction 交叉反应 jiāochāfǎnyìng

cross immunoreaction:交叉免疫反应

交感性眼炎sympathetic ophthalmitis | 交叉免疫反应cross immunoreaction | 交感神经-肾上腺髓质反应sympatho-adrenomedullary re-sponse

Influenza virus:流感病毒属

禽流感病毒是正粘病毒(Orthomyxo Virus),流感病毒属(Influenza Virus)的一个成员. 流感病毒由特异的不具交叉反应的核糖核蛋白抗原区分为三个不同的抗原型,即A、B、C三型. 其中B、C两型仅能对人致病,A型可对人、猪、马和禽致病. 禽流感病毒具有A型抗原,

mirror nuclei:镜像核

mirror reaction 交叉反应 | mirror nuclei 镜像核 | mirror image symmetry 镜像对称

cross reactivation:交叉复活

cross reaction 交叉反应 | cross reactivation 交叉复活 | cross regulation 交叉调节,交互调节


宽度05~10um,不形成芽孢及荚膜,无鞭毛,不能运动,生化反应不活泼. 鼻疽杆菌有两种抗原,一种为特异性抗原,另一种为与类鼻疽杆菌的共同交叉反应抗原. 其内毒素有一种引起变态反应的蛋白质,名为鼻疽菌素(mallein),可用于诊断.

cross agglutination:交叉凝集反应

"作物生产","crop production" | "交叉凝集反应","cross agglutination" | "杂交组合","cross combination"