英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚美尼亚人 的英文翻译,例句
亚美尼亚人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Armenian  ·  Armenians

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He is Armenian and signed the painting in his Armenian language .


According to the the Armenian pontiff Catholicos Aram I, two recent insurance settlements for descendants of Armenians killed 90 years ago by the Turkish Ottoman Empire are a first step toward international recognition that the bloodshed was an act of genocide.

根据该亚美尼亚的宗catholicos aram ,我最近的两个保住区的后裔,亚美尼亚人死亡, 90年前由土耳其奥斯曼帝国是第一步,走向国承认的流血是一种种灭绝行为。

The Seljuk invasion of Armenia was followed by an exodus of Armenians southwards, and in 1080, Ruben, a relative of the last king of Ani, founded in the heart of the Cilician Taurus a small principality, which gradually expanded into the kingdom of Lesser Armenia or Armenia Minor.

卢比尼王朝,公元 1180 夏塞尔柱王朝的入侵令大批亚美尼亚人南迁,公元1080年,已灭亡的巴格拉东王朝王室成员卢本进入西里西亚山脉腹地,在此建立小型公国,并逐渐发展成控制下亚美尼亚地区的强大王国。

The Armenians keep it on Monday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost (Armenian Menology, 11 May), because they believe the Holy Innocents were killed fifteen weeks after the birth of Christ.

亚美尼亚人继续对周一之后,第二个周日后五旬(亚美尼亚menology , 5月11日),因为他们相信教廷无辜者被杀害15个星期后,耶稣的诞生。

There are large communities of Laotian s, Vietnamese , Cambodian s, Mexican s, Salvadoran s, Guatemalan s, Iranian s, Japanese, Koreans, Armenians, Chinese.


A few years later things changed and the Friars seemed to possess more space within the basilica. In fact the Russian Archimandritte Gretenius who came in pilgrimage in the first years of the XV century says that within the basilica live permanently a Greek priest, a Georgian, a Frank, an Armenian, a Jacobite and an Abissinian. He states also that on the aedicula on the tomb there was a picture of the Risen Christ with a kneeling St. Francis. He also says that the Friars of the Chord (as the Franciscans became to be know) possessed Calvary together with the Armenians. All this was probably due to the firmans issued by sultan Barquq (1382-1399) in favour of the Friars of the Holy Sepulchre.


The popes have often employed the Minorites as legates and nuncios, eg to pave the way for and carry through the reunion of the Greeks, Tatars, Armenians, Maronites, and other schismatics of the East.

教皇常常雇用少数人作为legates和nuncios ,例如铺平道路和贯彻团聚的希腊人,鞑靼人,亚美尼亚人,马龙派教徒,和其他schismatics东。

As the word implied opposition to the Monophysites originally, so it now marks the distinction between these people and all schismatics on the one hand, between them and Latins or Catholics of other rites (Maronites, Armenians, Syrians, etc.) on the other.


For the most part the large landowners had built their power in the provinces and many of them were in fact "foreigners"(Armenians, Slavs, Georgians, etc.) and they were not all highly educated.


Gregory XIII (1572-85) founded at Rome colleges for Greeks, Maronites, Armenians.

格雷戈里十三( 1572年至1585年)创立于罗马高校为希腊人,马隆人,亚美尼亚人

更多网络解释与亚美尼亚人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


鄂图曼帝国在16世纪时将耶路撒冷古城(Jerusalem Old City)以高墙区隔为四区,基督教占西北区、犹太教占东南区、回教占东北区、亚美尼亚人(Armenian)则占西南区.

b. Phrygian:佛里吉亚人

2a. Greek. 希腊人 | 2b. Phrygian. 佛里吉亚人 | 2c. Armenian. 亚美尼亚人

Markus Rosenberg:高进球率的瑞典人值得期待. 实力:**** 潜力

23 Tom de Mul 有一定潜力,期待快速成长. 实力:*** 潜力:*** | 24 Markus Rosenberg 高进球率的瑞典人值得期待. 实力:**** 潜力:** | 27 Edgar Manucharyan 亚美尼亚小伙还需磨练,有待证明自己. 实力:*** 潜力:**...

The Sassanid Empire:萨珊帝国

Romano-British 罗马裔不列颠人 | The Sassanid Empire 萨珊帝国 | Persarmenia 波斯--亚美尼亚人(亚美尼亚分裂后的东侧地区)

d. Thracian:色雷斯人

2b. Phrygian. 佛里吉亚人 | 2c. Armenian. 亚美尼亚人 | 2d. Thracian. 色雷斯人

Antum salimoun:阿拉伯人的问候

亚美尼亚人的问候Snorhavor Nor Tari | 阿拉伯人的问候Antum salimoun | 孟加拉人的问候Shuvo Nabo Barsho

Armenoid:类亚美尼亚人 类亚美尼亚人的

Armenian bole | 一种用于制作颜料的粉红色泥土 | Armenoid | 类亚美尼亚人亚美尼亚人的 | armentomycin | 畜群霉素

Sephardic jews,armenians, arabs:犹太人 亚美尼亚人 阿拉伯人

It's a genetic disease contracted by people of mediterranean d... | Sephardic jews,armenians, arabs.|犹太人 亚美尼亚人 阿拉伯人 | Causes anhedonia,seizures, kidney failure, even lactose intolerance.|导...


(2)土耳其人(Turks)有2-3万,为奥斯曼统治时代遗民的后裔,主要集中在摩苏尔、巴士拉和巴格达等大城市. (2)亚美尼亚人(Armenians)约有7.203万人,居住在巴格达、巴士拉和摩苏尔等大城市. 据说,他们是在20世纪初期由土耳其迁徙而来.

