英语人>词典>汉英 : 五月鸟 的英文翻译,例句
五月鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与五月鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In May, the Post Office launched its new corporate identity as Hongkong Post with a logo of a humming bird drawn like a letter 'P', the bird's wings capturing the mark of a franking machine, on a green background.


The bird hopped off the branch.In May, the Post Office launched its new corporate identity as Hongkong Post with a logo of a humming bird drawn like a letter 'P', the bird's wings capturing the mark of a franking machine, on a green background.


We found 110 Kentish Plover nests in 8 sites, total area 22.74 ha, in Shengshi, Changhua during mid-April to mid-May. The hatching success of 89.09% was high compared to other studies. Thirty-six experimental artificial nests were set for a two weeks period in May to examine the effects of predators and rainfall. Among the 12 unsuccessful nests, 6 were flooded, 4 were abandoned, and 2 were predated. Successful nests and unsuccessful nests showed no difference in distance to nearest road and distance to nearest vegetation line.

调查从四月中旬至五月中旬於样区共追踪110巢东方环颈鴴的孵化情形,并於五月份设置36个人工试验巢进行两星期的追踪以了解捕食和降雨对孵化成功率的影响程度。110巢东方环颈中有98巢成功孵化,孵化成功率高达89.09%,以Mayfield Method 估算之孵化成功率亦高达83.53%,未孵化的12巢中,有6巢是因降雨淹水而失败,4巢是亲鸟弃巢,2巢被捕食。

更多网络解释与五月鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


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