英语人>词典>汉英 : 买进 的英文翻译,例句
买进 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
absorb  ·  buying  ·  stitching  ·  absorbs

invest in · buy in · buying in
更多网络例句与买进相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anyone who was adroit enough to sell is now sitting on some cash that can be redeployed at much lower levels.


Arjun Divecha, an emerging-markets specialist who manages about $20 billion for GMO LLC, says that until recently, investors bought pricey stocks in both markets because these economies were seen as the fastest-growing.'But with U.S. and global growth expectations slowing, it's the markets that were bid up the most that are getting hurt the most now,' he said.

为GMO LLC管理着约200亿美元资产的新兴市场专家阿让迪瓦查表示,就在不久前,投资者还在中国和印度市场中积极买进那些价格昂贵的股票,因为他们认为这两个经济体发展之迅猛数一数二;但随着美国和全球经济增长前景放缓,曾经最受追捧的市场现在则在承受最为沉重的打击。

The basic principle of unequal exchange can be described simply as "buying cheap and selling dear", in such a way that a commodity or asset is bought either: 1 below its real value, and sold at a higher value, or 2 at its real value, but sold above its real value, or 3 above its real value, and sold at a price even higher than its already inflated acquisition cost e.g.

不等价交换的基本原理被简单地描述为"低价买进,高价卖出"不等价交换的基本原理被简单地描述为"低价买进,高价卖出",按照这样的方式,一件商品或者资产可以:照这样的方式,一件商品或者资产可以: 1低于其真实价值买进,以更高的价格卖出,或低于其真实价值买进,以更高的价格卖出, 2按其真实价值买进,但以高于其真实价值的价格卖出,或按其真实价值买进,但以高于其真实价值的价格卖出, 3按高于其真实价值的价格买进,以甚至高于其已经上升的购置成本按高于其真实价值的价格买进,例如股市卖出。

The old man uses his share to buy raw whiskey and dirty pictures, he is a lecher .


G market is a most comfortable way of buying. Buy on a scale up.


The Budget Bureau would not even permit Kummersdorf to buy office equipment, and Von Braun learned early in the game the techniques of flimflamming the bureaucrats, e.g., it was a rare budget official who realized that Kummersdorf's request for funds to buy an "appliance for milling wooden dowels up to 10 millimeters in diameter" meant that the rocketmen needed a pencil sharpener.


We borrow money against portfolios of interest-bearing receivables whose risk characteristics we understand. We did this in 2001 when we guaranteed $5.6 billion of bank debt to take over, in partnership with Leucadia, a bankrupt Finova (which held a broad range of receivables). All of that debt has been repaid. More recently, we have borrowed to finance a widely-diversified, predictably-performing portfolio of manufactured-home receivables managed by Clayton. Alternatively, we could "securitize" that is, sell these receivables, but retain the servicing of them. If we followed this procedure, which is common in the industry, we would not show the debt that we do on our balance sheet, and we would also accelerate the earnings we report. In the end, however, we would earn less money. Were market variables to change so as to favor securitization, we could sell part of our portfolio and eliminate the related debt. Until then, we prefer better profits to better cosmetics.

2我们也会举债用来买进有利息收入且我们了解其风险属性的应收帐款,像我们在2001年就与 Leucadia 合作联合对当时破产的融资公司 Finova给予56亿美元的债务担保,目前该笔借款业已清偿完毕,而最近,我们也借钱给子公司 Clayton 房屋以协助其买进风险相当分散且容易预估绩效的房屋贷款债权,当然我们大可以像其它同业一样将这些债权证券化卖掉,只保留后续的服务部份,如此我们帐上不但可以降低负债比例,而且可以达到美化帐面的目的,但如此一来,我们却必须牺牲部份利润,除非市场真的转变,使得证券化较有利,我们才可能出售部份应收帐款以降低负债,在这之前,我们宁要里子不要面子。

If he has a big bang, you do not buy, and so on to earn less, so long as the emergence of such patterns over the years, including the line, line 30, line quarter, 20, line 10, line 5, line-wide cross-together The upward trend, then do not hesitate, such as buying a profit.


The original policyholder is usually in good health when we purchase the policy. Still, the price we pay for it is always well above its cash surrender value. Sometimes the original policyholder has borrowed against the CSV to make premium payments. In that case, the remaining CSV will be tiny and our purchase price will be a large multiple of what the original policyholder would have received, had he cashed out by surrendering it.

买进保单之时,其原持有人的身体状况一般都不错,且我们买进的价格通常远高于保单既有价值 CSV,有时原持有人甚至已用 CSV 抵押来支付保费,在这种情况下,剩余的保单价值并不高,所以卖给我们的价格可能是他们自行向保险公司贴现的好几倍。

The original policyholder is usually in good health when we purchase the policy. Still, the price we pay for it is always well above its cash surrender value. Sometimes the original policyholder has borrowed against the CSV to make premium payments.

买进保单之时,其原持有人的身体状况一般都不错,在买进保单之时,其原持有人的身体状况一般都不错,且我们买进的价格保单之时通常远高于保单既有价值 CSV,,有时原持有人甚至已用 CSV 抵押来支付保费,在这种情况下,剩余的保单价值并不高,所以卖给我们的价格可能是在这种情况下,剩余的保单价值并不高,他们自行向保险公司贴现的好几倍。

更多网络解释与买进相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

buy at a low price:低价买进

7 低价出售 sell at a low price | 低价买进 buy at a low price | 8 提供网上服务 offer online services

buy at best:不受限制地不断提高叫价,直到买进所要求的数量为止

9、 board order 挂盘指令 | 10、 buy at best 不受限制地不断提高叫价,直到买进所要求的数量为止 | 13、 day order 当日委托指令

be in the market for sth:在市场上觅购某物, 想买进某物

away from the market 在(证券交易所)牌价范围之外, 不照市价 | be in the market for sth. 在市场上觅购某物, 想买进某物 | be on the market 上市, 被供应出售

He has bought a lot of blue chips:他买进了大量蓝筹股

10.chips chips n. 筹码; 货币; 铸币 | He has bought a lot of blue chips. 他买进了大量蓝筹股. | cash in one's gambling chips. 兑换支票;把筹码兑换成现金

buy for the rise:看涨而买进

buy clothes off the peg | 买现成衣服 | buy for the rise | 看涨而买进 | buy gapeseed | 在市场上呆看

buy out:出钱使(某人)放弃地位 buy up 全买;尽可能买进

buy off 收买 | buy out 出钱使(某人)放弃地位 buy up 全买;尽可能买进 | buzz off (俚)急忙离去

put and call option:期货抛出和买进选择权,卖出买入选择权,卖出与买入选择权

put and call dealers 卖出与买入选择权自营商,期货抛出和买进自营商 | put and call option 期货抛出和买进选择权,卖出买入选择权,卖出与买入选择权 | put back to port 返回港口

buy into:买进

buy in 买进 | buy into 买进 | buy it 放弃

buy in:买进

buy back 产品返销 | buy in 买进 | buy into 买进

buy in stocks:买进股票

buy in installments => 分期付款购买 | buy in stocks => 买进股票 | buy into => 买进...股票,成为...股东