英语人>词典>汉英 : 乐师 的英文翻译,例句
乐师 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
musician  ·  muso  ·  musos

更多网络例句与乐师相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The final rehearsal reportedly included dancers, musicians and aerial performers, as well as Jackson suspended from a crane at one point and a 3-D view of a "Thriller"-inspired haunted mansion.


Also note that at any time can replace BIAB with a real arranger, and we can replace the BIAB musicians with real musicians.


Austria 'scomposer's fertile Wolfgang·Amatiwose·Mozart is firm especially, is representative's person of the classical music parties of Vienna.Was living in one place palace bandsman's household of the fortress on January 27 in 1756, the 卒 of December 5 in 1791 in Vienna.


Richard I (1157-1199), the 'Lion- heart', composed songs that he sang with his minstrel, Blondel.


A musician who plays pop music in a club lived in a boarding house in the centre of London.


A music ian who plays pop music in a club lived in a boarding house in the centre of London.


At Cothen he composed some of his finest chamber music music written for a small number of players.


To relocate to Beijing with me, he quit his concertmaster's job,which he loved, and my mother stayed behind in Shenyang to keep working at her job at the science institute to support us.


Such, for example, is the labour of the musical performer, the actor, the public declaimer or reciter, and the showman.


Such, for example, is the labour of the musical performer, the actor, the public declaimer or reciter, and the ''.


更多网络解释与乐师相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blowing cat:[美俚]爵士乐师

neat soap pellet 粒状纯皂 | blowing cat [美俚]爵士乐师 | solar radio emission [天物]太阳射电辐射

blowing cat:爵士乐师

blowing burner | (玻璃纤维)喷吹燃烧器 | blowing cat | 爵士乐师 | blowing cave | 吹风洞

Le clarinettist:单簧管师(乐师)

La clarinette 单簧管 | Le clarinettist 单簧管师(乐师) | La guitare 吉它

to make money:赚钱

原址现在则是间药房.其4:大约在50多年前.美国(American)一群爵士乐师们经常到各地去巡回演出(rendering)赚钱(to make money).乐师们把所有要去的城镇(town).都描述(describe)成树上的苹果(the apple on the tree).他们去演出赚钱.就


一袋一袋地往磨坊(mill)里面驮粮食,但是,有一天,他老了,再也干不动了,主人就想把他杀掉,再买一头新驴子代替他. 这头驴子感到事情不妙,就趁主人动手前悄悄溜了出来. 他想,与其成为别人的口中餐,还不如去不来梅城做一个乐师(musician).


381. peer: 同等之人,同辈. | 382. percussionist: 敲击乐器的乐师. | 383. perfectionist: 力求完美的人,吹毛求疵者.

La Playa:乐师

16.Spanish Coffee 西班牙咖啡 | 17.La Playa 乐师 | 18.The Pearl Fishers 采珠人


wood stain 木材着色料 | reedman 簧乐器乐师 | fanwise 成扇形地, 如扇形地

Shoulder straps:肩带

气钮控制着一个活门(valve),这样风箱( bellows) 在伸缩时不会使手风琴发出任何声音. 它通常在低音键盘一边,或者就是最上面的一个低音琴钮. 后背带把手风琴乐师的背部的两条肩带(shoulder straps)连在一起. 有些乐师觉得它更好地固定了手风琴的位置,并减少了背部的压力.


2:所有的娱乐、年庆、乐师(Musicians)、杂耍艺人(Acrobats)和演员(Actors)的覆盖图. 3:音乐、杂耍、戏剧覆盖状况的简要描述. 4:设置年庆的举行是询问还是一直举行. 5:娱乐英雄:呵呵,这就是古代的偶像崇拜了:),