英语人>词典>汉英 : 乐器 的英文翻译,例句
乐器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
instrument  ·  instrumented  ·  instrumenting  ·  instruments

musical instrument · musical instruments
更多网络例句与乐器相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, players of other instruments, from the classical violin to the handsaw, are also buskers.


The MIDI standard identifies 18 instruments, including noise effects (e.g., telephone, air craft), with unique numbers. For example, 0 is for the Acoustic Grand Piano, 12 for the marimba, 40 for the violin,73 for the flute, etc.


As a main manufacture of musical instrument,our products are harmonica,melodica,recorder,pitch pipe and other kinds of musical instrument.


Instruments like the Pipa and the Guqin could be a start point for a research because generic algorithms for plucked instruments have been developed. Simulations of some western and eastern instruments have been successfully implemented; we can mention the guitar, the mandolin and the sitar.


Various instruments were being played, such as string instrument s and wind instruments. Each of them was important in the Western orchestra.


Owing to the taste of string instrument of poets, appeared a lot of poems about Tang Dynasty fine piece of string instrument.


Kanway Music Company Ltd. Is established since Jan 1, 1998 and registered both in Hong Kong and Shenzhen for selling of musical products with include mainly grand, upright, digital piano, personal keyboards and lesson controller systems, etc.


We can put in another way, let's take musical instruments for instance, maybe there are a few kinds of musical instruments can generate 1KHz sound, but we can easily distinguish which sound comes from which musical instrument, this is because every musical instrument, even every person has its own unique voiceprint.


With differences in the structures of the soundboxes, the tonalities are not quite the same. The ruan family is the only consorted plucked-string instruments, as for the pipa, liuqing, those instruments are not consorted and kept their own traditional tonalities and unique playing techniques.


According to the author statistics shows that nearly 2000 poems about string instrument of Tang Dynasty in "" The Whole Poetry of Tang Dynasty "", it had reflected all respects of artistic development of string instrument of Tang Dynasty, embody a poet in the Tang Dynasty from describing that kinds of spiritual idea making the poet profound and expresse in the poem of the string instrument in Tang Dynasty, the classical, outstanding poems of the string instrument of Tang Dynasty,the description have worthful historical data value and aesthstic value, it is the rare important wealth on Chinese string instrument art and literature development history, it promote the development of string instrument art after Tang Dynasty, these 2000 poems of string instrument describe the study of Tang Dynasty and give us a lot of artistic value of written historical materials in Tang Dynasty.


更多网络解释与乐器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cithara | 类似竖琴的乐器 | cither | 齐特拉琴(古希腊一种类似竖琴的古乐器) | cithern | 类似吉他的乐器


工笔画的特征是,写实细腻,工笔画,gongbihua,gbh,131 | 乐器二胡有,二弦,二胡,erhu,eh,11 | 下列乐器中与葫芦丝演奏方式相同的乐器是,笛子,葫芦丝,hulusi,hls,115

instrumentalist:乐器演奏家/ 乐器家

dentist 牙医, | instrumentalist乐器演奏家/ 乐器家, | meteorologist气象学家

electronic musical instrument:电子乐器制造

"2432"," 西乐器制造"," Western Musical Instrument" | "2433"," 电子乐器制造"," Electronic Musical Instrument" | 2439," 其他乐器及零件制造"," Other Musical Instrument and Recreational Goods"

Western Musical Instruments:西乐器制造

2431 Chinese Musical Instruments 中乐器制造 | 2432 Western Musical Instruments 西乐器制造 | 2433 Electrionic Musical Instruments 电子乐器制造


1941 年,尼古拉斯.贝萨拉博夫开始使用"乐器学"(organology)一词. 他认为,如果一个好的音乐研究家必须要演奏一种乐器,并对这种乐器有着特殊的兴趣,那么,一个好的乐器学家应该关心声学设计和结构,并能制作出乐器样本.

Violins Pizzcato:小提琴乐器组演奏了拨奏

5 Violins spiccato 小提琴乐器组演奏了跳弓. | 6 Violins Pizzcato 小提琴乐器组演奏了拨奏. | 7 Troemolo Violins 小提琴乐器组演奏与颤音.


.等膜鸣乐器 (Membranophone) 各种鼓皆属此类乐器气鸣乐器 (Aerophone) 如长笛, 中国笛, 排萧体鸣乐器 (Idiophone) 如三角铁, 木琴, 木鱼等音乐是非洲人生活的一部分, 音乐用在各种活动及娱乐上, 与其他原始地区不同的地方,


.等膜鸣乐器 (Membranophone) 各种鼓皆属此类乐器气鸣乐器 (Aerophone) 如长笛, 中国笛, 排萧体鸣乐器 (Idiophone) 如三角铁, 木琴, 木鱼等音乐是非洲人生活的一部分, 音乐用在各种活动及娱乐上, 与其他原始地区不同的地方,


.等膜鸣乐器 (Membranophone) 各种鼓皆属此类乐器气鸣乐器 (Aerophone) 如长笛, 中国笛, 排萧体鸣乐器 (Idiophone) 如三角铁, 木琴, 木鱼等音乐是非洲人生活的一部分, 音乐用在各种活动及娱乐上, 与其他原始地区不同的地方, 在非洲,