英语人>词典>汉英 : 之缩写 的英文翻译,例句
之缩写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mustn't  ·  needn't

更多网络例句与之缩写相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Before going to the details of a beacon credit score, FICO is an acronym for Fair Isaac Company.


Abbr. s Mathematics A unit of angular measure equal to one sixtieth of a minute.

缩写 s 秒:角度单位,相当于六十分之一度

By the Middle Republic the abbreviation for tribe in which the man was enrolled was added after his filiation.


Technical support slang term for problem in chair, not in computer.


And yet, on closer inspection, this argument turns out to be specious, since "the covenant of grace" is merely short-hand for the promise-fulfillment relationship between the Abrahamic covenant and the new covenant in Christ's blood.


To further reduce smoking in New York City, in 2006 the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene began an extensive, television-based antitobacco media campaign using graphic imagery of the health effects of smoking, which aired simultaneously with a large New York state antitobacco media campaign.

为使纽约市吸菸率降低的成效更佳,纽约市健康暨心理卫生局(Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,以下缩写为DOHMH)於2006年开始一个广泛性、以电视宣传为主的反菸媒体运动,其中采用吸菸所造成之健康影响的图像,该运动和一个大型的纽约州反菸媒体运动同时播出。

The census encompasses an alphabet soup of projects, including ChEss (Biogeography of Deep-Water Chemosynthetic Ecosystems) and TOPP.


The term "the covenant of grace" is merely shorthand that scoops up both the promise and its two-stage fulfillment under a single theological label to refer to it all as a single covenantal unity.


5 Amendments and complete amended versions of the Sporting Code General Section are published by the FAI secretariat, acting for the Air Sport General Commission (initials in French "CASI", see the Glossary).

修订和完整修订版本之运动规则篇章,由 FAI 秘书处代表航空运动总务委员会( Air Sport General Commission—法文之缩写为 CASI ,请参阅术语汇编表)发布。

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in "a sea of troubles" or 缩写 met., metaph.

隐喻:一种语言表达手法,通常用指某物的词或词组来指代他物,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处,如&忧愁之海&或&All the world's a stage&&整个世界一台戏&莎士比亚

更多网络解释与之缩写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ad lib ad libitum:之缩写

A dirittura[意]真接地. | Ad lib.ad libitum之缩写. | Affet.affettuoso之缩写.

a cemb.a cembalo:之缩写

accelerando[西]渐快. | a cemb.a cembalo之缩写. | a cembalo[意]用拨弦键琴(羽管键琴).

dim Diminuendo:之缩写

dilungando(意)拖长地,渐慢地. | dim. diminuendo之缩写. | dimin.同上.

calo. calando:之缩写

calmez(法)同上. | calo. calando之缩写. | calore(意)热烈,热情,激烈.

Dal S.dal segno:之缩写. 见附表四

dal principio al fine(意)从头奏至标记"fine"处,见附表四:4 | Dal S.dal segno之缩写. 见附表四:3 | dal segno(意)(原意:从记号起)回到记""号处再奏. 见附表四:3

u.c. una corda:之缩写

übertrieben(德)夸张的,夸大的. | u.c. una corda之缩写. | udibile(意)听得见的,可以听到的.

esp. espressivo,espressione:之缩写

esotico(意)外来的,异国情调的. | esp. espressivo,espressione之缩写. | espagnol(法)西班牙的.

dol. dolce:之缩写

diventando allegro(意)逐渐变得快起来. | dol. dolce之缩写. | dolce(意)柔和的,甜美的,温柔的.

div. divisi:之缩写

dito(意)手指. | div. divisi之缩写. | diventando(意)逐渐变得......地.

cant. cantabile:之缩写

cangiare(意)变化,改变. | cant. cantabile之缩写. | cantab.同上.