英语人>词典>汉英 : 举凡 的英文翻译,例句
举凡 的英文翻译、例句


ranging from ... to ... · all ... such as
更多网络例句与举凡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"All-round graphic design material Dictionary" is a series of library types of numerous products, everything: science and technology category, abstract class, business class, character class, the world famous category, type of flowers, garden class, the Chinese customs categories of Chinese picture category natural categories, agricultural-type, tool type, astronomy class, still-life category, border type, shading categories, sports, cartoon-type, instrument type, such as an integrated tool material.


The Number 12 Dionysus/Bacchus influence is what the renaissance was all about.


Anybody who did anything in America up to1900 was liable to be made into a film ...


All audio audio-visual, CD cloner, MP3, Internet communications, test equipment, POS system ....


Our algorithm is applicable for arbitrary polyhedron that are homeomorphic to the three dimensional sphere or the two dimensional disk.


All this-- laws, prejudices, deeds, men, things--went and came above him, over his head, in accordance with the complicated and mysterious movement which God imparts to civilization, walking over him and crushing him with I know not what peacefulness in its cruelty and inexorability in its indifference.


To... is line design of whole, or it is the inwrought processing on garment body, become the incorporeal element of the design, gao Ting's Chinese style establishs the humeral line like 领 and upturned eaves to combine very close-fitting line, and the button of Chinese form type of detail, with the luxuriant embroidery on silk, complete dash forward the figure curve that shows a woman, commentate piece be like tall 级 to order an uniform like outfit delicate and classic; And indicative Oriental colorific China red, Turkey is blue, green grass green, also together elaborate gives the Chinese style vogue with enough mysterious flavour.


Since designers, manufacturers, and quality inspectors in the industrial sector all have to rely on the common language, mechanical drawing, to communicate or convey messages among one another, Mechanical Drawing Practice has always been a not only important but also required course in the industrial vocational high school curriculum.


Colors are widely used to manipulate our impression of roominess of a space and the slimness of a figure. It is commonly taught in art schools that certain colors give more advancing and expanding look than the others. However, this observation remains anecdotal and needs to be verified with quantitative methods.


In developing countries, the potential benefits of water demand-side management programs are huge in terms of money saved and ecological damage avoided, as well as freeing up water supply to extend coverage to the unserved.


更多网络解释与举凡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Minori Aoi:葵实野理

AV女优介绍合辑 - 葵实野理(Minori Aoi) 婴儿肌肤白皙滑嫩葵实野理甜美的外型,让她荣登制服一姐,举凡学生服、护士服等,只要葵实野理一穿上,气质一览无遗.

sodium borate:硼酸钠

其实硼砂(Borax)为硼酸钠(sodium borate)的俗称,因为毒性较高,世界各国多禁用为食品添加物,但大马民众尤其是华人,自古就习惯使用硼砂於食品,举凡年糕、油面、油条、鱼丸等,多用硼砂做为增加韧性、脆度以及改善食品保水性、保存性的添加物.

Central Office:办公室

Diversifies,内容提供了DSL数位用户专线晶片市场的完整分析,举凡现有的技术解说、新兴技术的介绍、市场的库存与修正情形、服务供应商的冲击、xDSL市场的预测、远端办公室(Central Office)的应用、各主要厂商的现况简介等 ...

chorionic gonadotropin:绒毛膜促性腺(激)素

在绒毛膜组织中,绒毛膜促性腺激素 (chorionic gonadotropin) 的形成包括了蛋白质的磷酸蛋白蛋是生命体内最重要的成分,细胞的生长有成千成万的蛋白质参与,举凡细胞内的代谢途径、生长、分化、荷尔蒙的分泌等等,都需要依赖它的相互作用及其严密地调节.


至若西方古典文献学所涉及的学科,举凡古文字学(paleography)、写本学(codicology)以及草纸学(papyrology)等无不包括在内. 米辰峰先生在>中认为,"......diplomatics或者paleography,

passive component:被动元件

被动元件 (Passive Component) 广泛运用於各种电子产品,举凡电脑、手机、音响、冰箱、仪器等各种生活与非生活用品皆有被动元件的身影. 在电子化的世界里,被动元件体积虽小、单价虽低,但由於其规格庞杂、竞争激烈,使得业者除了致力技术上的创新外,

radio button:单选钮

举凡问卷调查、请假单、报价单、采购单、人事表单、客户回函卡...各式表单,是学校、企业或个人的文件表单制作和传递之最佳工具. 4 设计DynaForm 表格(Design)功能. 栏位(Field) / 单选钮(Radio Button) / 多选钮(Check Box) / 下拉式列示窗(Combo Box)





virgin soil:处女地

他在文学上的成就是多方面的,举凡诗歌、小说、戏剧都很有造诣,不过,使他享誉世界的则主要是他的六部长篇小说:>(Rudin)、>(Home of the Gentry)、>(On the Eve Aattona)、>(Fathers and Sons)、>(Smoke)和<<处女