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临诊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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According to the clinical symptom, the pathologic autopsy, pathogens separation and serodiagnosis were carried out to diagnose the disease, and sensitive drugs were screened.


Since 1997, the goose flocks in some regions of South and East China have experienced severe outbreaks of Newcastle disease virus infection. The results of the in vitro tests indicate that the goose isolates have stronger ability to induce syncytium formation, when compared to chicken and pigeon isolates.

1997年以来我国华南和华东部分地区发生了由新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus, NDV)导致的鹅的临诊疾病,而且发现鹅源NDV在体外具有比鸡源和鸽源毒株更强的致细胞融合的能力,这表明NDV的抗原可能发生了变异。

Objective To introduce the clinical olwer, ation of cutaneous distribution of the ilioinguinal nerve on the labia major and diagnosis and local injection treatment of its neuralgia.

目的 介绍髂腹股沟神经在大阴唇皮肤分布区的临诊观察及神经痛的诊断与局部注射的治疗方法方法选择门诊确诊为髂腹股沟神经痛或股后皮神经痛累及其会阴支的女性患者共28人计31侧,细查计刺痛觉的变化以确定诊断及两神经分布区的范围采取强的松龙25mg+2%利多卡因或1%普鲁卡因5~10ml注射最大可能致病部位结果注射后数分钟检查麻醉范围。

更多网络解释与临诊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3.病猪,卡那(25 万/ml)2ml,5%NaHCO3 30ml 25%葡萄糖,40ml 2 次/日 第三节 沙门氏菌病(Salmonellosis) 三节 沙门氏菌病(Salmonellosis) 概述:一,概述 沙门氏菌病又名副伤寒(paratyphoid) ,是由沙门氏菌引起的动物和人的一系列传染病总称.临诊上多表现为败血症 和肠炎,

Avian Leukosis:鸡白血病

鸡白血病(Avian Leukosis)是由禽白血病肉瘤病毒群中的病毒引起的鸡多种肿瘤性疾病的统称. 以在成年鸡中产生淋巴样肿瘤和产蛋量下降为特征. 临诊上有多种表现形式,主要是淋巴白血病,其次是成红细胞白血病、成髓细胞白血病、骨髓细胞病、肾母细胞瘤、骨石病、血管瘤、肉瘤和皮瘤等,