英语人>词典>汉英 : 临终的 的英文翻译,例句
临终的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dying  ·  mortal

更多网络例句与临终的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was more than benevolence in this action; there was courage; the south was aflame, and to assist, even on his death-bed, the father of so dangerous a Bonapartist as Dantès, was stigmatized as a crime.


All at once he rose to his feet. These accesses of strength are sometimes the sign of the death agony.


I don't want you at my goddamn deathbed.


It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed, it is the things we do not.


I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains.


It is part of his last will and testament.


The patient will end up looking like a pincushion, he says.


Towards the end of his life he suffered from sleeplessness and ill health.


Finding people who were dying was relatively easy - the couple tracked them down through hospices in Hamburg and Berlin.


His last words; the last rites.


更多网络解释与临终的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agonal stage:濒死期(又称濒死或临终状态 是死亡过程的开始阶段)

agenesia 1. 发育不全;2. 无生殖能力 | agonal stage 濒死期(又称濒死或临终状态 是死亡过程的开始阶段) | agonal injury 濒死伤(指濒死期内形成的损伤)

The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax:弗朗西丝.卡法克斯女士的失踪

44.红圈会 The Red Circle | 45.弗朗西丝.卡法克斯女士的失踪 The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax | 46.临终的侦探 The Dying Detective

death rattle:临终时的喉鸣

death rate 死亡率 | death rattle 临终时的喉鸣 | death roll 死亡名簿

hospice care:临终护理

"临终护理"(hospice care)一词源于英文,也称"临终关怀",其实质是一种为临终病人及其家属提供全方位、立体化的社会卫生服务. 护理人员在与其他专业人员的合作下,通过对临终病人及其家属提供综合性服务,减轻临终病人生理、心理和精神上的痛苦,

hospice care:临终关怀

临终关怀(Hospice Care)是一门以临终病人生理、心理特征和临终照护实践规律为研究对象的新兴的边缘学科,也是一种社会医疗卫生保健服务项目. 是对中、晚期不治之症,用特殊和一般疗法难以延长寿命,或难以实施姑息疗法的待死病人所采取的各种医疗关怀措施的总称.


a short shrift 临终忏悔 临死前的短暂时间忏悔 | shrift悔悟临终忏悔招认承认 | 4 the flip side唱片的反面;另一面;[引申]另一方面;[喻]对等的人物

a short shrift:临终忏悔 临死前的短暂时间忏悔

3 get short shrift受到怠慢受到冷遇 | a short shrift 临终忏悔 临死前的短暂时间忏悔 | shrift悔悟临终忏悔招认承认

Swan Song:绝唱

>一书中对于天鹅临终的鸣叫有着动人的描述 西方文化中 将文人的临终绝笔称之为"天鹅绝唱"(swan song)正来源于此. 在英国 卓越的诗人或歌手可以与天鹅作比 例如莎士比亚的雅号正是"艾冯的天鹅".

As the death-bed whereon it must expire:像躺在临终的床上,一息奄奄

That on the ashes of his youth doth lie 它躺在自己青春的灰烬... | As the death-bed whereon it must expire, 像躺在临终的床上,一息奄奄, | Consumed with that which it was nourished by. 跟供它养料的燃料一同...

A hurry in the breath:急促的呼吸

A throe upon the features -- 剧痛位于面容之上- | A hurry in the breath -- 急促的呼吸- | An ecstasy of parting 临终的迷乱