英语人>词典>汉英 : 中立者 的英文翻译,例句
中立者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与中立者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This charge may include the costs of raising fiance during the construction phase, any government taxes related to capital, and allowances for the cost of commissioning and dismantling the station.

费用可能包括在建造期间筹集资金的成本,与资本相关的各种政府税收,以及对投产和拆卸电站的费用补贴。评论[支持者: 0 人,反对者: 0 人,中立者: 0 人] 查看评论信息

This charge may include the costs of raising finance during the construction phase, any government taxes related to capital, and allowances for the cost of commissioning and dismantling the station.

该笔收费可能包含在施工阶段筹措资金的成本,与资产有关的任何政府性税收,以及电站试车、拆除费用的补助。评论[支持者: 0 人,反对者: 0 人,中立者: 0 人] 查看评论信息

"I am by disposition one of life's neutrals, a human Switzerland" John Gregory Dunne


It's not a Champions League match, but it's as if it were.

评论[支持者: 0 人,反对者: 0 人,中立者: 0 人] 查看评论信息

He argues that al-Qaeda's core leadership has been "neutralised operationally".


Russia backed separatists in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, even as it claimed to be a neutral peacekeeper.


The major purpose of the study will explore the effectiveness level of investment decision strategy variables (i.e., these variables are separated in five variable groups: macro economy, consumer, product, market, and risk assessment) affecting investment decision process by three types of risk-taking investors (i.e., risk averter, risk neutral and risk lover investors) in a major banking crisis environment.


OPTION:THE NASTILY NEUTRAL OUTLANDS In many cosmologies,those of neutral alignment are considered undecided, or at least tolerant of the forces of good,evil,law,and chaos.


If we had a second power supply, we would also need to connect the neutral so that both neutrals would be connected to the same common.


He used to threaten neutrals into staying neutral , and punished those who seemed to have a problem with their audio receptors.


更多网络解释与中立者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



The Forgotten:被遗忘者

而在>出场的变异人"被遗忘者"(The Forgotten)会再出现,不过不是剧情要点. 他们在地图上作为中立者出现,玩家可以攻击它们或者与它们结盟来使用他们的单位.


特伦特(Trent)是一位可信赖的仲裁人(trusted arbitrator),中立的第三者,根据存在的协议而判断. 特鲁迪(Trudy)是侵入者(intruder),等同马洛里. 沃特(Walter)是看守人(warden). 根据已存在的协议而保护爱丽丝和鲍伯.

neuroticism index:神经质指数

39.neurology 神经病学 | 40.neuroticism index 神经质指数 | 41.neutral 中立者,中立的,中性的

Risk neutral Nash equilibrium:風險中立之納許均衡

Risk neutral 風險中立者 | Risk neutral Nash equilibrium 風險中立之納許均衡 | Risk neutral parties 風險中立者

Religiously latent:宗教上潛在者

Religiously neutral 宗教上中立者 | Religiously latent 宗教上潛在者 | Religiously experienced 宗教上有體驗/閱歷者

United Technologies:联合技术公司

14日,网民"中立者"在环球网发帖称,这家美国公司名叫"联合技术公司"(United Technologies),是在华的"最大外国投资企业". 网民提供的资料显示,该公司总部设在美国康涅狄格州哈特福德市,业务遍及全球180多个国家和地区,


cross 十字 | cross-bearer 十字杖持棒者 | cross-bencher 中立议员


cross-bearer 十字杖持棒者 | cross-bencher 中立议员 | cross-bones 骨头交叉

cross-bencher:中立议员, 中立人士 中立的

cross-bearer || 十字杖持棒者 | cross-bencher || 中立议员, 中立人士 中立的 | cross-bones || (骷髅头下)两根骨头交叉图案