英语人>词典>汉英 : 中止计划 的英文翻译,例句
中止计划 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abort  ·  aborts

更多网络例句与中止计划相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

November 7, 2007, ST Tiger plan as a result of the Gold Group, directed to issue 728 million shares to buy all of its coal assets of the suspension.


He stopped the project when it was already in motion.


Your wealth,fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.


In episode 501, the fifth season premiere, Shane derails plans to move in with Paige, then suffers the consequences; Jenny returns from vacation with a billionaire movie financier in tow; Phyllis has doubts about her romance with Joyce.


Instead of encouraging the clear cutting of the rain forest, it agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects.


But all this would not answer my end, which was to get an earthenpot to hold what was liquid, and bear the fire, which none of thesecould do.


He ends with Hitler's fateful decision to postpone Sealion in September of the same year.


更多网络解释与中止计划相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abolish abolition abolitionist:废除,取消

反常的,异常的 abnormal | 废除,取消 abolish abolition abolitionist | 中止计划 abort

All the teachers abominate cheating in examinations:所有教师都憎恶考试作弊

abominate vt.憎恶, 厌恶, 不喜欢 | All the teachers abominate cheating in examinations. 所有教师都憎恶考试作弊. | abortion n.人工流产(手术), 堕胎 (计划等)失败, 中止

cancel out:消除影响; 抵消

call off 中止(计划过的事情); 取消 | cancel out 消除影响; 抵消 | cast aside 消除; 抛弃

Democratic Party:民主党

主要在野党"日本民主党"(Democratic Party)誓言,如果该党如同民调结果显示,赢得8月30日选举,则将检讨这项重整计划. 根据民调,民主党此次有历来最大的胜算,可取代自民党(LDP)以执政,中止自民党50多年来几乎从未间断的执政纪录.

We wont go to war:我们不希望诉诸于战争

You must go to the moon. Its your duty. 你必须上月球去,这是你的职责. | We wont go to war. 我们不希望诉诸于战争. | Stop it, Apollo! 阿波罗计划中止了.

We won go to war:我们不希望诉诸于战争

You must go to the moon. Its your duty. 你必须上月球去,这是你的职责. | We won go to war. 我们不希望诉诸于战争. | Stop it, Apollo! 阿波罗计划中止了.


早在20世纪70年代末,西德军方便向美提出了联合研制一项名为"蝗虫"(Locust)武器计划,旨在研制一种体积小、造价低的无人机,用于压制敌方防空武器. 但是美国军方当时对这项计划并没有太大的兴趣,由此西德政府不得不在1981年因资金不足暂时中止了研制计划.


一季度,沙特钢铁公司长材产品的销售主要集中在国内市场,由去年同期的76万吨上升至今年的97.9万吨,增...美国钢铁 公司(USS)周三表示,其计划将临时中止阿拉巴马州Fairfield工厂的主要炼钢活动,这将影响到1711名工人.