英语人>词典>汉英 : 中断 的英文翻译,例句
中断 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
break  ·  discontinue  ·  discontinuity  ·  fail  ·  hiatus  ·  holes  ·  intermission  ·  intermit  ·  interregnum  ·  interrupt  ·  interruption  ·  pretermit  ·  sever  ·  severed  ·  intermitted  ·  intermitting  ·  discontinued  ·  discontinues  ·  discontinuing  ·  discontinuities  ·  fails  ·  hiatuses  ·  intermits  ·  interregnums  ·  interrupts  ·  pretermits  ·  pretermitted  ·  pretermitting  ·  severing  ·  severs  ·  cessations  ·  interruptions

cut off · leave off
更多网络例句与中断相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main contributions in this area are summarized as follows,? The closed-form formula and its asymptotic form of system outageprobability are derived, through which it is shown that the outage probability decreased by a factor ofγ~(hereγdenotes the average SNR);? The closed-form formula of outage capacity is derived, through which weshow that 1 outage capacity increases with the increases of mean value of sytem SNR, and decreases with the increase of the variance of system average SNR; 2 in order to obtain higher outage capacity, the number of transmit antenna should be no more than that of receive antennas.?


Edge-triggered interrupts do not suffer the problems that level-triggered interrupts have with sharing.


In addition, Bycore provides a simple mechanism for the management of completion of the interruption, the application only concerned about the interruption of a logic, and then interrupt handlin


IntProlog does not re-enable the interrupts in an interrupt handler (this is different from AvrX 2.3) so if you want to be able to nest interrupts you need to explicitly enable them in your handler.

IntProlog在中断处理程序中没有重新开启中断(这一点和 AvrX2.3不同),所以如果你想允许中断嵌套的话,你需要在中断处理程序中显式的开启中断

Also, beware, some sources of interrupts are not cleared by servicing the interrupt handler, so you need to clear them BEFORE enabling interrupts or you will endlessly re-enter your code and blow your stack.


In this model three objectives are included to eliminate the congestion, they are the least number of interruptive consumers, the least number of interruptive loads and the least total cost that the operator of autonomous system pays to interruptive loads.


Break (10 points)中断减10分- Whenever a glass object is smashed, either in mid air or on the floor.


In addition to external interrupts, the interrupt architecture of the present invention supports inter-processor interrupts by which any processor may interrupt itself or one or more other processors in the NUMA computer system.


After an interrupt is generated, the CPU compares the interrupt number (x8) against the size of the IDT -- stored in the interrupt descriptor cache register. If the INT# x 8 doesn't exceed the IDT size, then the interrupt is considered invokable, and the IDT base address is fetched from the descriptor cache; then the ISR's protected mode address is fetched from the IDT.

在产生一个中断之后, CPU 将会把中断号(乘以8)和 IDT 的长度进行比较( IDT 的长度存储在中断描述符缓冲寄存器中),如果中断号乘以8之后的值没有超过 IDT 的长度,则该中断被认为是可调用的,然后将 IDT 的基址从中断描述符缓冲寄存器中取出; ISR 的保护模式帝制从 IDT 中取出。

This exception handling unit can deal with altogether 12 kinds of exceptions, including reset, user interrupt, automatic load interrupt, spurious interrupt, uninitialized interrupt, trap, illegal instruction, unimplemented instruction, superior instruction, tracing, bus error, address error. The multiple exception and exception nesting of all the exceptions listed above can be tackled as well.


更多网络解释与中断相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

interrupt handler:中断处理程序

在响应一个特定中断的时候,内核会执行一个函数,该函数叫做中断处理程序(interrupt handler)或中断服务例程(interrupt service routine, ISR). 产生中断的每个设备都有一个相应的中断处理程序. 因此我们一般把中断处理切为两个部分或两半.

interrupt handler:(中断处理器)

供VME总线系统的中断器(Interrupter)和中断处理器(Interrupt Handler)之间进行中断请求和中断认可使用. 是提供总线系统组态和管理服务的VXI器件. 一个资源管理器必须是具有命令者能力的消息型器件,其逻辑地址为0 ,通常也提供0号槽服务.

interrupt handler:中断处理程序;中断处理器

interrupt driven 中断驱动 | interrupt handler 中断处理程序;中断处理器 | interrupt latency 中断等待时间

interrupt mask:隐中断字,中断屏蔽

interrupt lockout 封锁中断 | interrupt mask 隐中断字,中断屏蔽 | interrupt mask bit 中断屏蔽位


(3) 中断服务例程(ISR)设计(4) 中断服务线程(IST)设计 中断服务例程以键盘中断的逻辑中断标识符形式返回给系统任务调度进程,中断服务线程则在矩阵键盘驱动中负责具体中断处理.

interrupt latency:中断延迟

4.中断延迟(Interrupt Latency) 中断延迟是指从硬件中断发生到开始执行中断处理程序第一条指令之间的这段时间. 5.互斥(Mutual Exclusion) 互斥是用来控制多任务对共享数据进行串行访问的同步机制. 在多任务应用 中,当两个或多个任务同时访问共享数据时,

disarmed interrupt:截止中断,解除中断,拒绝中断,拒绝中断

disarm state 解除状态 | disarmed interrupt 截止中断,解除中断,拒绝中断,拒绝中断 | disarmed state 拒绝状态,拒绝状态


在移植 过程 中需要 设置 中断 向量表来处理 异常.uCOS II的移植 主要 处理 标准 中断 (IRQ)、快速 中断 (FIQ)与软件 中断 (SWI).这里设置 了标准 中断 异常(IRQ)与快速 中断 异常(FIQ)的中断 入口,


disk 能够为四个磁盘报告每秒磁盘I/O的数量 | faults 报告每秒系统软件中断和硬件中断的速率 | in-设备中断,不包括系统时钟中断


0x8 软件中断(SWI) 特权模式(SVC) 60x18 外部中断请求(IRQ) 外部中断(IRQ)模式 40x1c 快速中断请求(FIQ) 快速中断(FIQ)模式 3混合编程情况下的程序编译及链接后的输出代码与没有混合编程时是不同的.