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个体交配 的英文翻译、例句


stud mating · stud breeding
更多网络例句与个体交配相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The gene targeted mice are commonly produced by breeding the heterozygous targeted mice following microinjecting the homologous recombinant ES cells into the blastocoele cavity of 3.5dpc embryos at the blastocyst stage to give birth to chimeric mice.


Snail is a hermaphrodite, and some type of independent reproduction, but most of the types of mating two individuals to exchange sperm.


To produce by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species; hybridize .


The panmixia hypothesis--that all European eel migrate to the Sargasso Sea for reproduction and comprise a single, randomly mating population--is widely accepted.


No significant relationship was found between the body sizes of amplexed males and females and successful male frogs were not significantly larger than unmated males.


I assessed if mating common eastern froglets Crinia signifera exhibited size-related patterns. I compared the snout-urostyle lengths and body condition of amplexing males with that of non-amplexing males to determine if successful males were larger or in better condition. I assessed if there was a linear relationship between the body length of the female and the successful male and the relative condition of the male (measured by body mass versus length).


I assessed if mating common eastern froglets Crinia signifera exhibited size-related patterns. I compared the snout-urostyle lengths and body condition of amplexing males with that of non-amplexing males to determine if successful males were larger or in better condition. I assessed if there was a linear relationship between the body length of the female and the successful male and the relative condition of the male (measured by body mass versus length).


After the first mate, the male panda rests, watch and wait for the female panda to give another inviting signal. Then there comes the second or third mate.


Mating success varies widely from bird to bird, with number of copulations per individual during the breeding season ranging from zero to several dozen.


A pairwise comparison of paternity studies of bird populations in relation to genetic variability as determined by minisatellite band sharing coefficients among unrelated individuals was used to test the prediction that females should engage more frequently in extra pair copulations in populations with a greater amount of genetic variation.


更多网络解释与个体交配相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Molecular Biology:分子生物

从分子生物(Molecular Biology)的证据里,我们可以证实突变的发生的确可以造成性状的改变,而不同个体之间的交配(有性生殖)更扩大了上下世代平均的差异.

combining ability:配合力

常用的有循环单交设计(circular mating design)和分组不连续半双列交配设计(disconnected diallal mating design)(参见附录A)3.7 配合力(combining ability) 在一定的交配系统中,亲本产生理想个体的潜在能力.


有雄性及雌雄同体(hermaphrodite)两种性别,雄性有一个单叶性腺(single-lobed gonad),输精管,及一个特化为交配用的尾部. 雌雄同体有两个卵巢、输卵管、藏精器,及单一子宫. 绝大多数个体为雌雄同体,雄性仅占0.05%. 生命周期:雌雄同体个体产卵孵化后,

assortative mating:选型交配

族群遗传学主要的研究范围有三:第一、在杂交族群中 ,研究各个有亲缘关系个体间的遗传相关; 第二、分析自交(self fertilization)、选型交配(assortative mating)和随机交配(random mating)等交配系统;第三、分析演化动力,

random mating:随机交配

随机交配(random mating)在有性繁殖群体中,每一个体与其群体的所有异性别的个体都有相等交配机会的繁殖方式. 例如在植物,雌雄异株、自交不亲和以及其他异花授粉植物构成的群体,一般通过风力和昆虫传粉,就是随机交配群体.


152、异交(outbreeding):亲缘关系较远的个体间随机相互交配. 153、自体受精:同一个体产生的雌雄配子受精结合. 如:蚯蚓、草履虫等低等动物. 154、自花授粉植物(self-pollinated plant):其雌雄配子来源于同一植株或同一花朵. 如水稻、小麦等.


族群遗传学主要的研究范围有三:第一、在杂交族群中 ,研究各个有亲缘关系个体间的遗传相关; 第二、分析自交(self fertilization)、选型交配(assortative mating)和随机交配(random mating)等交配系统;第三、分析演化动力,


studboltthread双头螺栓螺纹 | studbook良种马登记册 | studbreeding个体交配


162、全能性(totipotency):指个体某个器官或组织已经分化的细胞在适宜的条件下再生成完整个体的遗传潜力. 163、孟德尔群体:是在各个体间有相互交配关系的集合体. 必须全部能相互交配,而且留下建全的后代. 即 "在个体间有相互交配的可能性,

stud mating:个体交配

stud link chain ==> 有挡环链,柱环节链 | stud mating ==> 个体交配 | stud mount ==> 铰轴安装