英语人>词典>汉英 : 严刑 的英文翻译,例句
严刑 的英文翻译、例句


cruel torture · severe penalty
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We in Singapore are most fortunate to have racial harmony and religious freedom, thanks to the farsightedness of our ever vigilant leaders and the strict laws against anyone stirring up racial or religious animosities.


Dynamo members were later arrested. One died of torture and 3 more were killed near the Babi Yar ravine.


Lemuel Gulliver tells the story of his fantastic adventures on the island of Lilliput where the people are tiny, and their self-importance laughable; in Brobdingnag where the people are giants and Gulliver is made to feel his own insignificance; in Laputa, the land of futile science; and finally in the land of Houyhnhnms, where horses are endowed with reason while human beings are not.


Law makes people reflect on how to craftily escape the severe punishment. People hence know playing tricks.


Law makes people reflect on how to craftily escape the severe punishment.


Back from pursuit thy Powers with loud acclaime Thee only extoll'd, Son of thy Fathers might, To execute fierce vengeance on his foes, Not so on Man; him through their malice fall'n, [ 400 ] Father of Mercie and Grace, thou didst not doome So strictly, but much more to pitie encline: No sooner did thy dear and onely Son Perceive thee purpos'd not to doom frail Man So strictly, but much more to pitie enclin'd, [ 405 ] He to appease thy wrauth, and end the strife Of Mercy and Justice in thy face discern'd, Regardless of the Bliss wherein hee sat Second to thee, offerd himself to die For mans offence.


They never ate meat and they never drank wine; they often remained until evening wit and difficult ascent, all those efforts even, which he had made to escape from that other place of expiation, he had made in order to gain entrance into this one.


He was held in solitary confinement in the General Intelligence headquarters and was reportedly tortured.


If the sovereign were now to immure a subject in defiance of the writ of Habeas Corpus, or to put a conspirator to the torture,the whole nation would be instantly electrified by the news.


Torture was used after 1252. On May 15, Pope Innocent IV issued a papal bull entitled Ad exstirpanda, which authorized the use of torture by inquisitors.


更多网络解释与严刑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stimulate and abett:推波助澜

deride or belittle嘲笑或轻视 | stimulate and abett推波助澜 | sweet and mug严刑拷打疲劳审讯

death penalty:死刑

摘 要: 死刑(Death Penalty)是当今世界上最严厉的一种刑罚,又被称为极刑.随着人类文明的不断发展,死刑这种自人类野蛮时期开始的残酷刑罚方法,愈来愈受到人民的质疑,死刑的废止和限制已成为今天文明世界的共同愿望.中国是一个历来以"严刑酷法"威震于世的泱泱大国,

total incapacity:全无资格;完全无能力;完全无行为能力

torture 拷问;拷打;严刑;折磨,痛苦;虐待;歪曲 | total incapacity 全无资格;完全无能力;完全无行为能力 | total loss 全部亏损;全损;完全损失


"养育"(nurture) 一词包含 "规范" 、 "训诫" 和 "处罚" 的意味,用以描述囚犯被钉上十架前所受的严刑铐打. 处罚孩子在现今社会并不受欢迎. 但圣经告诉我们,正确规范在每个敬神的家中有不容置疑的地位 ( 参看箴言十三 24 ,十九 18 ,

on the grin:笑嘻嘻

put sb on the grill 严刑审讯 | on the grin 笑嘻嘻 | grin and ear it 逆来顺受

third degree:严刑逼供

third class 三等 | third degree 严刑逼供 | third dimension 第三维

We need to hit up underworld contacts, squeeze people:我们只需要找找黑社会的线人 严刑逼供一下他们

I think it's a front company for whoever's really behind... | We need to hit up underworld contacts, squeeze people|我们只需要找找黑社会的线人 严刑逼供一下他们 | Sure, why don't we just pick names out ...

There is sever discipline for one who forsakes the way:舍弃正路的,必受严刑

追求公义的,为他所喜爱. but the loves the one who pursues right... | 10 舍弃正路的,必受严刑; There is sever discipline for one who forsakes the way, | 恨恶责备的,必致死亡. but one who hates a rebuke w...

Rough justice meted out:受过严刑拷打

In the bad old days, would that be? Noriega's time?|她是不是在 诺瑞耶加时代吃过苦? | Rough justice meted out?|受过严刑拷打? | - Lf you'd care to take a seat, sir. - Thank you.|-请坐,先生 -谢谢

The judge dealt out harsh sentences to the rioters:法官对暴乱者处以严刑

The profits will be dealt out among the inves... | * The judge dealt out harsh sentences to the rioters. 法官对暴乱者处以严刑. | 4) deal with sb tackle the problem or task set by sb; behave towards sb ...