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两次 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与两次相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Indeed, Marquez defended the IBF bantamweight title seven times and won the world junior featherweight title in his first meeting with Vazquez. Vazquez made two defenses of the IBF super bantam title, won the world junior featherweight title, defended it twice and lost it to Marquez in their first fight.


In the first experiment, immature female rats were treated twice daily(8 IU/8 times) with recFSH into abdomen, and twice daily(8 IU/8 times) or daily(4 IU/4 times) or daily(8 IU/8 times) or every other day (8 IU/2 times) or only times (8 IU/1 times) with recFSH into cloaca for four days.


On the base of theorial study,ore experiment is made and feasible grind granularity and medicament system and the flow of Galenite flotation firstly is ascertained.


In the freestyle, there are three types of kicks: The six-beat kick, the two-beat kick, and the two-beat crossover kick. The six beat kick is favored by sprinters, while the variations of the two beat kick are favored by distance swimmers.


objective to evaluate efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsyfor treating ureteral stones in situ,investigate the cause of higher re-treatment rate.methods total of 687 patients with ureteral stone were received eswl between january 2000 and december 2004,included 455 male(66.2%) and 232 female(33.8%) patients,6 cases have bilateral ureteral calculi,12 cases have unilateral multiple calculi.hence,together 709 ureteral calculi were treated.patients upper ureteral calculi were treated in the supine position,for lower ureteral calculi patients were turned prone.to reduce eswl-induced renal trauma and pain,using lower energy source,adjusted power setting from 9.8 to 13.2kv,limited 1500 shock wavs per one session.no auxiliary procedure were used before eswl.the stone size was measured as the surface area of stone length by stone width on x-ray film.the interval between two treatment sessions was two weeks.results of 709 ureteral calculi,the overall stone free rate was 97.3%(690 calculi),re-treatment rate was 34.1%(292 calculi).according to the performed treatment sessions,one session 467 calculi,the mean stone size 37.27mm2,stone free rate 65.4%(464 calculi).two sessions 138 calculi,the mean stone size 62.48mm2,stone free rate 18.4%(131calculi).three sessions 52 calculi,the mean stone size 79.60mm2,stone free rate 7.1%(50calculi).four sessions 19 calculi,the mean stone size 101.63mm2,stone free rate 2.4%(17calculi).fivesessions 33 calculi,the mean stone size 119.33mm2,stone free rate 3.9%(28 calculi).overall 19 cases(2.7%)turned to other treatment modalities.of 335 upper ureteral calculi,303 achieved stone free (95.8%),re-treatment rate was 38.5%(129 calculi).of 374 lower ureteral calculi,369 achieved stone free(98.7%),re-treatment rate was 30.2%(113 calculi).the re-treatment rate of upper ureteral calculi was higher than lower ureteral calculi(p<0.05,χ2=5.40).the difference of stone-free rate between upper and lower ureteral calculi was no significant(p>0.05,χ2=0.15).conclusion eswl should be considered first line therapy for ureteral stone still.stone burden are the main variable of higher re-treatment rate,upper ureteral stone may moving with respiring during eswl.so efficinet shock wave was decreared,re-treatment rate become higher.

目的 评估体外震波碎石治疗输尿管结石的疗效,探讨再治疗率高的原因及输尿管结石的治疗选择。方法回顾2000年1月~2004年12月间eswl治疗输尿管结石的临床资料687例,男455例(66.2%),女232例(33.8%),平均年龄46.6岁(15~83岁)。有双侧输尿管结石6例,单侧多发性输尿管结石12例(4颗1例,3颗2例,2颗9例),共计输尿管结石709颗(含透光结石13颗)。应用上海爱申公司生产的desunit6030型碎石机,c臂x线球管做结石定位。上段输尿管结石(肾盂输尿管交界处至骶髂关节上缘)取仰卧位,下段输尿管结石(骶髂关节上缘下至输尿管口)取俯卧位。为减少eswl引起的肾损伤和疼痛,应用较低的能量,震波发生器电压从9.8~13.2kv,震波频率1.5s。每次治疗设定为1500次震波。治疗后3天摄腹部平片或b超,以后每隔7日重复检查。假如结石未碎或有残留结石最长径>3mm以上,再次eswl,两次治疗的间隔时间为两周。结石的大小用x线片上的表面积(mm2表示。结果 709颗输尿管结石总的治愈率为97.3%(690颗),再治疗率34.1%(242颗)。其中一次治疗467颗,平均结石大小37.27mm2,治愈464颗(65.4%),3颗改治疗;两次治疗138颗,平均结石大小62.48mm2,治愈131颗(18.5%),7颗改治疗;第1和第2次治疗治愈率(1个月治愈率)为83.8%。3次治疗52颗,平均结石大小79.60mm2,治愈50颗(7.1%),2颗改治疗;4次治疗19颗,平均结石大小101.63mm2,治愈17颗(2.4%),2颗改治疗;5次及5次以上治疗33颗,平均结石大小119.33mm2,治愈28颗(3.9%),5颗改治疗。总计19颗(2.7%)结石改变治疗方式。上段输尿管结石335颗,治愈321颗(95.8%),再治疗129颗(38.5%)。下段输尿管结石374颗,治愈369颗(98.7%),再治疗113颗(30.2%)。经χ2检验,上、下段输尿管结石的再治疗率差异有显著性(χ2=5.40,p<0.05),治愈率差异无显著性(χ2=0.15,p>0.05)。不良反应:血压升高13例(1.9%),震波区域疼痛26例(3.8%),震波进入处皮肤点状淤血33例(4.8%),肉眼血尿128例(18.6%),均于第2、3天自行消失。结论 eswl目前仍是输尿管结石的第一线治疗,结石的大小是再治疗率高的主要因素。结石的位置有影响,上段输尿管结石可随呼吸移动,有效震波次数减少,再治疗率比下段输尿管结石高。eswl前注重病例筛选可降低再治疗率。

Maybe there are not so many trashes in this town so that there is unnecessary to collect twice a week.


In enterprises, institutions and related administrative work Date of birth female gender 1984.9 Domicile Shanghai Communist Party political landscape Telephone :***********Hotmail.com Shanghai Pudong New Area Road **** loss ** Room of the postcode Educational background Time professional schools and faculties 2004 - Shanghai administration has ** University Advantages and talent 06: Chinas Dongfeng Automobile Import and Export Company, clerks, responsible for the Record, send and receive fax So far 04: College of Humanities students Office of the Assistant counselors, faculty graduates primarily responsible for employment and recruitment information will be released each enterprise to the campus network 05: Shanghai Starbucks company service personnel 04: Lianhua Supermarket easy early market researcher in the Department of fresh; CET - 4, 6; Intermediate English interpreters Credentials A national computer certificate, Multimedia Producers certificate In the school during the school won a scholarship; Second prize three times; Third Honors once; Three special prizes self-improvement; State grants two 04 ~ 05 school year - school outstanding members once three propers activists twice C1 license I was an optimistic, cheerful, positive, caring girl,** universities in Shanghai, morality, intelligence, physique of the great progress have been made.


We performed a simulative test, which confirms that wavelet analysis can separate annual wobble and Chandler wobble. Our results show that this method can be used in astronomical geodynamies effectively. This paper is divided into two parts. The first is about statistic characteristic of polar motion. Polar motion includes secular motion, long period fluctuations, Chandler wobble, annual wobble and high frequency wobble. The secular motion is 3.4mas/year and towards 760W meridian. Long period fluctuations have difference periods in x-axis and y-axis. They are 31.7-year and 24-year in x-axis and 28.5-year and 22.9-year in y-axis. These 2~? decades fluctuations have an amplitude of about 30 mas , and are very nearly linearly polarized, with the observed motion of pole being almost entirely along a line between 360E and 1440W. There is a 55.4-year wobble whose amplitude is 9 mas. The amplitude of the interannual fluctuations is about 4? mas. The amplitude of long period fluctuations decreased after 1970. The annual wobble is a steady wobble. It retrograde wobble is only 1/20 of prograde wobble in amplitude.

本文的工作主要分为两部分:第一部分是通过分析POLE97序列,我们对极移的统计特性有了一个较全面的认识,极移主要包括趋势项、长周期项、Chandler项、周年项和高频项:趋势项的方向是西经76°,速度为每年3.4mas;长周期项中Markowitz 项在X、Y两个方向有不同的周期,它们分别是:X方向的两个周期是31.7年和24 年,Y方向的两个周期为28.5年和22.9年它们叠加在一起是一个线偏振运动,最大振幅约为30mas,偏振方向在西经144°和东经36°之间;极移的长周期波动中还存在一个 55.4年周期的圆周运动,振幅约为9mas;十年尺度变化的振幅在4~6mas之间,在Y 方向十年尺度的成份比较多,它们的周期在X方向和Y方向不是对应的;从七十年代年开始长周期变化的振幅明显降低;周年项是一个振幅稳定的摆动,在X、Y两个方向的振幅略有差别,逆向运动振幅大约为顺向运动振幅的1/20;Chandler摆动的振幅自1900年以来经历了几次较大的变化,其中包括1915年和1955年两次极大值,振幅分别达到0&。25和0&。28,以及1925~1940期间小于0.09的过程,Chandler项在X、Y 两个方向的振幅几乎完全相等,其逆向运动振幅不到顺向运动振幅的1/50。

My son 5 years old, when two-year-old on the occasional nosebleeds, small, 4-year-old when more than three months on the stream once every 10 days for half a year and a half months ago on the flow time, and also more than the original, to the hospital, said blood tests are normal, the point of medicine at the children do not love the beginning of .8 month almost 32 days on stream, but also very large, went to the hospital check, blood test or normal, open points syrup, and eat Chinese medicine granules, not a week, drug use is also a day on the 15 o'clock a sudden nose bleeding out, exhausted all the methods normally used only finally stopped, six o'clock in the morning and a stream, though not at night, and also have more than the original (the child was afraid I worry that the deal did not tell my own, I was based on the many large blood on the ground and pumping his college paper used judgments), or normal blood, the cream of the point that no matter, I was pleased, but the children come back again every day flow, and sometimes more than once or twice a day, which is a headache for two days and asked him if he do not understand how that specific pain law, is not the teacher the past two days that he said he did not love school is really a headache or a headache, I was to determine if a teacher said he does not love the child's school is a small trick.


Six years at Milan, then, for the European Champion coach, who aside from the Scudetto also obtained two second places in Serie A, after two exciting title races decided only on the final matchdays, a third place and two fourth places , the first after coming on when the season had already begun, and the second because of an unjust penalisation.


更多网络解释与两次相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biyearly:每年两次的, 二年一次的 <单词词性>两年一次地

peh 希伯来语的第十七个字母(亦作 pe) | biyearly 每年两次的, 二年一次的 两年一次地 | tear out 撕下, 扯下

double exposure device:两次曝光装置(重拍机构)

double-exposure 两次曝光,双曝光 | double-exposure device 两次曝光装置(重拍机构) | double-exposure hologram 二次曝光全息图,双曝光全息图

One two:是"拳击中连击两次",而不是"一二

1. One-two是"拳击中连击两次",而不是"一二". | 2. two-time是"对人不忠",而不是"两次". | 3. in two twos是"立刻",而不是"两两之间".


twice 两次 | twice-told 说过两次的 | twice-told 教过两次

twice-told:教过两次的, 陈腐的, 说过两次的

twerp 无用之人; 讨厌家伙; 笨蛋 (名) | twice-told 教过两次的, 陈腐的, 说过两次的 | twiddle one's thumbs 闲得无聊; 浪费时间

two-beat kick:两次打腿技术

1050 two cross-over kick 两次交叉打水 | 1051 two beat kick 两次打腿技术 | 1052 two-beat kicker 两次打腿的自由泳运动员


one-two 是"拳击中连击两次",而不是一种"一二". | Two-time是"对人不忠",而不是一种"两次". | In two twos是"立刻",而不是一种"两两之间".


one-two 是"拳击中连击两次",而否则一种"一二". | Two-time是"对人不忠",而否则一种"两次". | In two twos是"立刻",而否则一种"两两之间".

Not Up:两跳,还击前球着地两次

double fault 双误, 两次发球失误 | 'not up', 两跳,还击前球着地两次 | service line 发球线

double bounce;not up:两跳(还击前球着地两次)

第二次弹跳 second bounce | 两跳(还击前球着地两次) double bounce;not up | 还有一次! (第一次发球失误后) One ball!