英语人>词典>汉英 : 丢 的英文翻译,例句
丢 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
bung  ·  flung  ·  throw  ·  bunged  ·  bunging  ·  bungs

更多网络例句与丢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our virginity is in their own subtle kind-hearted father, mother, compassion, patience, tolerance grew up under, our innocence, to catch butterflies in the Kite flying boat in the water grow up playing, and our childhood is children playing with sandbags丢手绢when grown up, and now, what is around us?


Fermat and led them to numerous general results which Diophantus himself only hinted. Perhaps more important, however, is the fact that this work, as a work of algebra, was in effect a treatise on the analysis of problems.


And Diu Diu's force had been worked up, I had no any ways, I knew at this moment encouraging was key, so I gave my flashlight to Diu Diu, said: Diu Diu, I had no any force, could you help me to carve out a way?


Diu Diu looked at me, I was carrying two backpack with sweatiness, without hesitation, she accepted my flashlight, continued to sprint, at the moment, I was pleased secretly with my pretending successfully, because Diu Diu carved out a way for us ahead of us, it was sure for herself to get more encouragment.


When we arrived at the campsite, Feng brother and Diu Diu had come back, they were very clever, got many wild pineapples, and total more than 5 KG potherbs, and a lot of wild white flower vegetables, Diu Diu shouted while she measured by a steelyard: this vegetable was 2.5 Yuan for one KG


One day, Thomas went out with his friends and walked on the street.A policeofficer saw him throwing tissue and leftover, and spittinggum to the ground. The policeofficer said he broke the regulationand wanted to fine him.


Chi MM: red bean, beauty, Rosa de Tears, pride * off butterflies dance * Ella, after another pride **, a small woman, dream ~仙儿, elegant language of the wire, ice tea, sadness ~ darling, tenderness * long,* little bit of pride, pride * baby, Xiao-Ming, Murong Xiangxiang, Nannan Xiaoxiang, SweetGirl, kissed ME darling, Providence, dancing Costume, take me to see the sea, on the Angels, AG twilight sleep,赵灵儿, the wizard of the heart, jasmine, tenderness *糖糖, hearts *飞儿, elegant language of silk,* love the small language *, beauty | the world, sparkling heart, Xiong toot,宫主the走丢,眼波children ~ Mae, pure Apple.


For want of a nail the shoe was lost, For want of a shoe the horse was lost, For want of a horse the rider was lost, For want of a rider the battle was lost, For want of a battle the kingdom was lost, And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.


For want of a nail For want of a nail the shoe was lost, For want of a shoe the horse was lost, For want of a horse the rider was lost, For want of a rider the battle was lost, For want of a battle the kingdom was lost, And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.


For Want Of A Nail For want of a nail the shoe was lost, For want of a shoe the horse was lost, For want of a horse the rider was lost, For want of a rider the battle was lost, For want of a battle the kingdom was lost, And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.


更多网络解释与丢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(10) 番图(Diophantus)方程的可解性求出一个整数系数方程的整数根,称为番图(约210290,古希腊数学家)方程可解. 希尔伯特问,是否能用一种有限步构成的一般算法判断一个番图方程的可解性?1950年前后,

Hey, litterbug! In the clown mouth:乱丢垃圾的!丢到小丑的嘴巴

I was supposed to go to Europe,|我本来要去欧洲玩的 但我家有财务问题 | Hey, litterbug! In the clown mouth!|乱垃圾的!到小丑的嘴巴! | Okay, we have a winner. It's the purple horse.|好,胜利者是紫色马

Pontius Pilate:本丢彼拉多

由于罗马巡抚彼拉多的全名是本.彼拉多(Pontius Pilate),因此本和彼拉多实际是一个人,故此以后延伸"从本到彼拉多"亦指一而二,二而一,同一回事的意思(参见>第22页,商务印书馆1988年).

Don't forget to take out the trash:别忘了丢垃圾

Don't forget to take out the garbage. 别忘了垃圾. | Don't forget to take out the trash. 别忘了垃圾. | Don't forget to take out the rubbish. 别忘了垃圾.

Diophantine relation:丢番图关系

番图方程|Diophantine equation | 番图关系|Diophantine relation | 番图几何|Diophantine geometry

Kids Throwing Copper Cashes:《丢丢铜仔>

<<正气歌>> An Ode to Integrity | <<铜仔>> Kids Throwing Copper Cashes | <<幻影>>Illusion

littering:乱丢垃圾 乱丢垃圾

litigation 诉讼,打官司 诉讼,打官司 | littering 乱垃圾 乱垃圾 | loaded weapon 装上弹药的武器 装上弹药的武器

Anyone who litters will be fined 10 yuan:乱丢杂物者罚款10元

59. litter v. 乱杂物 | Anyone who litters will be fined 10 yuan.乱杂物者罚款10元. | The sign says No littering.标语上写着不要乱杂物.

Clusters of elm seed money:一丢丢榆荚钱

一垂丝丝杨线 Strands of weeping willow; | 一榆荚钱 Clusters of elm seed money, | 儿春甚金吊线钱 转 Like golden coins twirlingon strands of spring.

Pontius Pilate:本丢彼拉多

由于罗马巡抚彼拉多的全名是本.彼拉多(Pontius Pilate),因此本和彼拉多实际是一个人,故此以后延伸"从本到彼拉多"亦指一而二,二而一,同一回事的意思(参见<<西方宗教典故选辑>>第22页,商务印书馆1988年).