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不相连 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不相连相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The region between the circular brown band generated by cell lipid exosmosis and the band of the wound in the non-transgenic cotton Z35's leaves, is wider than that of the transgenic cotton T-34's leaves, and no micro-HR was found in Z35, the intensity of leaves wilting is much serious, by contrast, micro BR was found around the wound region within the transgenic cotton leaves inoculated with the pathogen, but the micro-HR was not found in the transgenic cotton treated with water and around wound region of non-transgenic cotton Z35 leaves which showed that there was micro-HR defence in transgenic hpa1xoo cotton.


Methods PCR-SSCP was used to detect the expressions of P53、 N-ras、TGFα、P16 genes in variable nodules in 23 patients with multinodular hepatocellullar carcinomas, two pieces of inconsecutive tumor tissues in 20 patients with single nodular hepatocellullar and normal hepatic tissues in 10 healthy people N...

应用银染PCR-SSCP技术比较23例多结节性肝癌组织各结节中P53、 N-ras、TGFα、P16基因的表达情况并进行统计学处理。20例单发肿瘤病人的两块不相连的肿瘤组织作为阳性对照组,10例健康肝组织作为正常对照组。

The simple self-identical universality, however, is itself again distinct and detached from these determinate characteristics it has. It is pure self-relation, the "medium" wherin all these characteristics exist: in it, as in a bare, simple unity, they interpenetrate without affecting one another; for just by participating in this universality they are indifferent to each other, each by itself.


Because of the fuzzy boundaries of our interesting object and its complex topological structure, classical level set method is revised for the medical image application.


Two types of peripapillary defects were identified in the late-phase ICGA. The first was hypofluorescent area in the peripapillary region. It was bigger and more common in eyes with glaucoma. There was no difference in the occurrence or extent of hypofluorescent areas among the three types of glaucoma.


Regulator gene A gene whose product can promotor or prevent the TRANSCRIPTION of structural genes, which may or may not be adjacent to other regulator genes, and may even be on another chromosome.


To be qualified as an EOS, the tumor must (1) arise in the soft tissue and not be attached to bone or periosteum,(2) have a uniform sarcomatous pattern ( to exclude the possibility of a mixed malignant mesenchymal tumor),(3) produce osteoid and/or cartilage matrix.


Only a minimum of strut is exposed to the airstream, the remainder being shielded by fairings not attached to the balance


Their distribution rules were not found, and the phenomena might be due to the large engineering project in East China Sea which has divided the whole distribution of meiofauna into several discontinuous parts.


But in 2007 Google Earth sleuths found that four unconnected buildings on the base formed an unfortunate shape when viewed from above: a swastika.


更多网络解释与不相连相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

associative memory:相连存储器

相连存储器(Associative Memory)不是在传统 Von Neumann计算架构中的,因为在一个相连存储器的每个地址有一个很小的计算能力. 它允许这样的操作如:"你的存储单元包括这个数据吗?"来执行仅少数几个周期而不是仔细搜寻对传统的架构是必须的、所有的数据存储器位置.

conjoined:互相联系的 不 相连的

What's the word? Um...|那个词是什么来着 | - Um, interconnected? - No, conjoined.|互相联系的 不 相连的 | The two people are making two conjoined triangles.|两人组成两个相连的三角形

Fasciola hepatica:肝片吸虫

可以伸缩,位于身体前端腹面靠近眼点附近,口下接一圆形的咽,咽下为食管,接着是分2支的肠,2条肠的末端通常在后固着盘的前面相连,使整个肠成环状,但也有不相连而呈直管状的.1.肝片吸虫(Fasciola hepatica) 分布于世界各地,尤以中南美,

interconnected:互相联系的 不 相连的

What's the word? Um...|那个词是什么来着 | - Um, interconnected? - No, conjoined.|互相联系的 不 相连的 | The two people are making two conjoined triangles.|两人组成两个相连的三角形

Torus Knot:(环形结)

Width flux 锯齿部分占环形长度的百分比 | ⑦Torus Knot(环形结) | Break(断开) 插入两个不相连节点将曲线断开


没能注意对方在说什0,致使对话沟通不相连)不可逆性(irreversibility)的认知模式:(不能理解程序或关系变化的可重新排列或反向操作)从自我中心(egocentrism)到跳脱自我中心3.发展是从他人调整到自我调整(self regulation)的过程(觉察意义联结,

you are a special group:(你们是不平凡的一群)

you have fought bravely,proudly for your country(你们英勇并骄傲的为祖国作战) | you are a special group(你们是不平凡的一群) | who have found in one another a bond(彼此紧密相连)

totally disconnected:完全不连通的{位相};全不相连{代}

完全可微分的 totally differentiable | 完全不连通的{位相};全不相连{代} totally disconnected | 完全不连续函数 totally discontinuous function

We have a bond:有一条纽带始终把我们相连

Remember that you can always count on me 我是你不变的依靠 | We have a bond... 有一条纽带始终把我们相连 | Thank you for the way you touch my life 谢谢你触动我生命的方式

disconfirm:证明不成立; 驳斥 (动)

disconcertingly 令人仓皇失措地; 使人窘迫地 (副) | disconfirm 证明不成立; 驳斥 (动) | disconnect 分离, 拆开, 不相连 (动)