英语人>词典>汉英 : 不牢固的 的英文翻译,例句
不牢固的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
instable  ·  loose  ·  weak  ·  unsolidified  ·  loosed  ·  looses

更多网络例句与不牢固的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The multitude surged towards them, and they already saw the frail wooden balustrade that formed the


That can be) detached from its place; not firmly fixed


Alarming details were hawked about, fatal news was disseminated,-- that they were masters of the Bank;--that there were six hundred of them in the Cloister of Saint-Merry alone, entrenched and embattled in the church; that the line was not to be depended on; that Armand Carrel had been to see Marshal Clausel and that the Marshal had said:"Get a regiment first"; that Lafayette was ill, but that he had said to them, nevertheless: I am with you.


This presented numerous problems such as a non-uniform contact surface, bonding failure, and high processing costs.


Strengthens crashes object attack security measure to the high place each kind of scaffold to build supposes must be sturdy, Gao Deng and the ladder establishment must be stable, the scaffold when lays down should conform to safe request the work high above the ground springboard, the parapet and the safety equipment not integrity, the constructor must grip the safety belt, and reliably hangs in the reliable structure, the safety belt must carry on the inspection before the use, after confirmed perfect only then uses the strict surveillance to enter the job location personnel, must correctly match wears the safety helmet, the job location channel, the building access, should build supposes covers the head awning time the hoisting component and the material, The hoisting mechanisms must be reliable, under the lazy arm strictly prohibits the station person


Alarming details were hawked about, fatal news was disseminated,-- that they were masters of the Bank;--that there were six hundred of them in the Cloister of Saint-Merry alone, entrenched and embattled in the church; that the line was not to be depended on; that Armand Carrel had been to see Marshal Clausel and that the Marshal had said:"Get a regiment first"; that Lafayette was ill, but that he had said to them, nevertheless: I am with you.


In recent years, the county up and down firmly establish the "animal husbandry instability instability in the whole county, not the rich herders, the county is not rich" ideas, has always been to increase efficiency of agriculture and animal husbandry, farmers and herdsmen in rural incomes and maintain stability as the work of farmers and village enterprise, has invested 2,480 million yuan to build one or two bases and livestock disaster insurance camel, cashmere goats base, completed the demonstration county animal husbandry and the "three" of training works, the new on the restoration and protection of natural vegetation projects, ban works, the completion of 3 million mu of artificial grass, aqueduct built five more than eighty kilometers, 22 kilometers of flood control dams, the new hit 12 motor-pumped wells, construction of the drug bath, flood pool 20, the completion of fencing 41.7 million mu of grassland, built to high standards SHELTER 20, control the "three" of 57.7 million mu of grassland, improved herd face up to 82%, the proportion of school-age dams more than 56%.


That is, the wall is not the existence of solid powder should be removed sanding, leveling, brush on the varnish or wallpaper the environmental performance of a higher basal lamina, can be dry after the wallpaper paste.


Most of Port-au-Prince's 2m residents live in tin-roofed shacks perched on unstable, steep ravines.

在太子港200 万的居民中,大部分人都住在简陋的棚屋里,这些棚屋都分布在一些不牢固的,陡峭的山谷中。

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Even though we are too insignificant to be spokesmen for such a noble cause, we believe, and this journey has only confirmed this belief, that the division of American into unstable and illusory nations is a complete fiction.


更多网络解释与不牢固的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

(that can be) detached from its place; not firmly fixed:(能)除下的; 不牢固的

* The cows had got out of the field and were (roaming) loose in the roa... | 2 (that can be) detached from its place; not firmly fixed (能)除下的; 不牢固的: | * Be careful with that saucepan the handle...

immobile a.1:不能动的,固定的 2.不动的,静止的

demobilize v.复员,解散(军队),遣返军人 | immobile a.1.不能动的,固定的 2.不动的,静止的 | immobility n.固定,牢固,静止

insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; weak or unsatisfying:不牢固的;脆弱的;薄弱的

insolvent not solvent; not having money to pay what on... | insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; weak or unsatisfying:不牢固的;脆弱的;薄弱的 | interpretation the act or the result of interpretin...


unsportsmanlike 不光明正大的 | unspotted 清白的 | unstable 不牢固的


unstable 不牢固的 | unstained 无污点的 | unstatesmanlike 无政治家风度的


weak 不牢固的 | weak-eyed 视力差的 | weak-headed 懦怯的

And I am a monkey with a misspelled name:我是个拼错名字的猴子

This art is weak in this pretty pretty frame!这件艺术品是不牢固的由于它的结构是如此的漂... | And I am a monkey with a misspelled name!我是个拼错名字的猴子! | I'll put down Ur disco!我将贬低你的迪斯科舞曲...

The leg of that chair is not very firm:那条椅子腿很不牢固

firm adj. hard, that will not move牢固的,稳固的 | The leg of that chair is not very firm. 那条椅子腿很不牢固. | handshake n. 握手

I don't like durians especially their strong odd smell:我不喜欢榴莲,特别是那股浓烈的怪味

strong a.强壮的;牢固的;坚强的;浓烈... | I don't like durians especially their strong odd smell. ;我不喜欢榴莲,特别是那股浓烈的怪味. | hard a.坚硬的;困难的,艰苦的;刻苦的;冷酷的严厉的;猛烈的 ad.努力地;猛烈...

a rough diamond:未加工的天然钻石

a rope of sand 不牢固的结合 | a rough diamond 未加工的天然钻石 | a round peg in a square hole 不适宜担当某职的人