英语人>词典>汉英 : 不泄露 的英文翻译,例句
不泄露 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不泄露相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I will tell you the truth if you don't betray it.


If you did not disclose to anyone,I will tell you the truth.


I will tell you truth if you don't disclose them.


If you don't divulge it to anyone, i will tell you the truth.


According to the demand information divulgence in supply chain ordering process, by comparing the supplier's profits between divulging the incumbent's demand information and not divulging the incumbent' demand information, the mechanism of the information divulgence has been analyzed.


I'll tell you the truth if you keep it a secret.


If you don't leak it out, i will tell you the truth


Advantages include thermal stability, non-wetting and elimination of inclusions from shot.· Roll Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, non-wetting, and contain no shot.· Block Caster Tip- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength and do not outgas.· Belt Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength, non-wetting, and do not outgas.


The modern computers of the era, such as the VAX or the 68020, had their own operating systems, but none of them were free software: you had to sign a nondisclosure agreement even to get an executable copy.


AFTER days of leaks and rumours that destabilised不稳定的 stockmarkets, Gordon Brown's Labour government unveiled a comprehensive广泛的,综合的 rescue package for Britain's ailing不舒服的,生病的 banks before markets opened on Wednesday ctober 8th.

证券交易情况不稳定的传言泄露了几天后,在10月8日星期三开市前,Gordon Brown的工党政府公布了一个为英国陷入危机的银行制定的救市法案。

更多网络解释与不泄露相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chicken feed:鸡食 [美俚]小钱币; 零钱 [美俚]有意泄露的假情报

better fed than taught 养而不教 | chicken feed 鸡食 [美俚]小钱币; 零钱 [美俚]有意泄露的假情报 | off one's feed (牛马等)厌食; [口](人)有病, 不想吃东西

give away:泄露

这是普通用户的缺省行为, 因此 System V 的用户不致于无意中把文件泄露(give away). -o, --create 进入 copy-out 模式. -O archive 使用归档文件名, 而不是标准输出. 如果把其他机器上的磁带机作成归档文件, 文件名要用 "HOSTNAME:" 开始.

keep oneself to oneself:(不多跟人来往交谈)

keep a shop, a store, a stall, a stand, a business(摆摊,开店,经营) | keep oneself to oneself(不多跟人来往交谈) | keep a secret(不泄露),等.

memory leak:内存泄露

如变量声明,声明数组等,系统会在函数返回时候自动释放分配的内存.在堆上是动态分配,通常由malloc,calloc,realloc调用,系统不会自动释放,需要调用free手动释放.如果忘记释放就会产生"内存泄露"(Memory Leak)问题.

I mean nothing to you:对你而言,我什么都不是

Dont wanna reach for me do you 你不愿对我伸出援手,不是么 | I mean nothing to you 对你而言,我什么都不是 | The little things give you away 这些小事泄露了你的心思


modification改变\\更改 | nondisclosure 不泄露不暴露 | perform执行


举例而言,对植物学家来说,泄露(transpire)乃是"透过毛孔(stomata)排出湿气". 由此看来,圣经采用了非专门的日常用语;甚至如"日出"、"日落",都是不确切的,因为太阳的运动,乃地球本身运转产生的现象. 然而,圣经一旦发出具权威性的命题陈述:"神创造天、地",

to let the cat out of the bag:(不小心泄露秘密)

rainy day(准备一些钱,以备不时之需) | to let the cat out of the bag(不小心泄露秘密) | to throw a wet blanket on something(泼冷水)

To refrain from divulging:使...不泄露

tried to keep the ice from melting. 防止冰融化 | To refrain from divulging: 使...不泄露: | keep a secret. 保守秘密

Memory leaks:内存泄露

如果不及时释放内存, 会引发内存泄露(memory leaks), 特别是运行时间比较长的程序要注意这个问题, 如果发生了内存泄露, 系统即便不因为缺少内存资源而崩溃, 也会由于内存抖动(memory thrashing)而性能下降.