英语人>词典>汉英 : 不明确 的英文翻译,例句
不明确 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ambiguity  ·  indeterminacy  ·  unclarity  ·  ambiguities

更多网络例句与不明确相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Equivocal, as in classification or nature.


Tissue samples were taken to Pathology Department in 10% formalin solution and studied pathologic-cytologically.

结果 病灶刺中率100%,穿刺活检病理结果93例获得明确诊断,5例诊断不明确或误诊。

As far as the legal documents of the central government are concerned, the provisions of the constitution, organic law and the law in environmental protection field are abstract and inexplicit. While combining these documents with administrative regulations and other informal sources, we find that the boundary of power of the State Environmental Protection Administration of China is very definite. But the boundary of other environmental protection administrations is unclear.


Because of the ambiguity of inspection authority property, kinds of constitutes and laws in world prescript its entity structure without definite its property.


Crystallized and uncrystallized opinion- Psychological Abstracts.


But there are still some difficulties exist in the current system of public opinion, such as inadequate working bodies, unclear submitted contents, unsure submitted points, inadequate staff motivations, unspecific information hierarchies, shallow collected information, unshared information and etc.


With regard to the lack of corresponding entity right backing for "execute the third party" according to the procedure law in current Chinese creditor"s subrogation system;the inconsistence between the entity law and the procedure law for the conditions to exercise creditor"s subrogation;the obscure effect of the exercising of the creditor"s subrogation;the indefiniteness of right and status of the parties in the subrogation proceeding and so on,it is suggested that amend the civil code,confine the creditor"s subrogation system,coordinate the rules in entity law and procedure law related to the debtees" to exercise their subrogation,define the creditor"s subrogation,the right and obligation of related parties in the procedure,perfect the rules in procedure law in order to provide proceeding procedure security for the realization of the creditors subrogation.


Results Fascicles and certain amount (207) of motor fibers from the anterior division of C7 were distributed to musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve, the orientation of these fibers were not clear. The ones (323) from posterior division were to the axillary, radial, and dorsal thoracic nerves, thus the orientation of these fascicles was relatively definite.

结果 大鼠C7神经根前股发出一定数量的运动纤维到肌皮神经、正中神经,总量约207根,但在C7前股定位不明确;后股发出相应的运动纤维束支到桡神经、腋神经与胸背神经,总量约323根,这些束支在C7后股的定位较明确。C7神经根所支配的范围很广,其中以C7后股发出的胸背神经束支支配的背阔肌占比例最大(运动纤维含量>50%)。

Traditional views of international law maintain the essentially bilateralist view set forth in the late Eighteenth Century by de Vattel's Le Droit des Gens ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle: states, as sovereigns, are bound and limited in their actions only by those rules to which they themselves have agreed to be bound and limited (explicitly in the case of treaties, explicitly or implicitly with regard to customary law).

国际法的传统观点仍停留在十八世纪末瓦特尔在 Le Droit des Gens ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle 中所提出的本质上为双边主义的观点,即主权国家的行动只会受那些它们已然同意的规则的束缚与限制(明确的形式是条约,至于习惯法则有明确或不明确之分)。

The main article is based on China"s current industrial injury insurance,"added weight, light to prevent" an analysis of the status that the current "industrial injury insurance regulations on the provisions of injury prevention systems clear enough; Injury prevention expenses not clear; work injury insurance system is not sound different rates, premium rates and the state of production safety link industrial injury insurance management system chaos, the administration and injury prevention is insufficient, and so on - all factors constraining the injury prevention work the launching.


更多网络解释与不明确相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在发现理论中,创业者决定开发机会时的决策状态被假设为"有风险"(risky),而不是"不明确"(ambiguous)或"不确定"(uncertain). "有风险"、"不明确"和"不确定"这三个术语在很多场合可以相互替代,但为了区别发现理论和创造理论的假设前提,


ambidextrous 怀有二心的 | ambiguously 不明确地 | ambiguouslyillegiblyvaguely 暧昧地


它关联于是或否,而不关联于不明确的(equivocal)的意义的多元性. 我们这里所谈论的是一种逻辑行为,或者回应韩波,一种逻辑的反叛. 事件决定,为了真理,或为了显赫的(eminent)化合价,以前的逻辑将其限定在不确定的或非-化合价的领域中.

equivocal:意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的

field interpolator 场内插器 | equivocal 意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的 | quart 夸脱(容量单位)

ambiguous genitalia:性器官不明确

Acute infantile eczema 急性婴儿湿疹 | Ambiguous genitalia 性器官不明确 | Anoxic spell 缺氧兆

observing, noncommittal, noninvasive in any way:仔细观察,不明确,没有任何侵略性

Most times, I am gentle, I am like a flower,|大部分时间里,... | observing, noncommittal, noninvasive in any way.|仔细观察,不明确,没有任何侵略性 | Occasionally I am challenged. And in that case,|偶尔我被...


aggressive有进取心的 | [47]indefinably无法下定义地,不明确地 | infinitely无限地,无穷地

probabilistic indefiniteness:概率不明确性

probabilistic grammer 概率文法 | probabilistic indefiniteness 概率不明确性 | probabilistic logic 概率逻辑

noncommittally:不明确地, 不表态地; 不承担义务地 (副)

noncommittal 不明朗的, 不承担义务的 (形) | noncommittally 不明确地, 不表态地; 不承担义务地 (副) | noncommunicable 不传染的 (形)

SELF-DISCLOSURE:自我暴露. 暴露自己不明确或不一致的一面

self-awareness:自我意识. | self-disclosure:自我暴露. 暴露自己不明确或不一致的一面. | self-managing team:自我管理团队.