英语人>词典>汉英 : 不平坦的 的英文翻译,例句
不平坦的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不平坦的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One ball-shaped robot even uses a leap-and-bounce approach to travel over bumpy territory.


If you have a bumpy commute, for example, you'll probably want a mountain bike.


In some cases, the cause of the unreasonable value was related to some aspect of the procedure, such as inadequate SSG contact on the sand bedding or an uneven surface that would cause the CIST drop weight to rebound laterally against the inside of the guide tube upon impact; however, particularly with the SSG, the cause of the unreasonable measurements was often unknown and simply required repeat testing.


As the picture progresses we will see that the relationship between Antoine and Christine, who studies violin at the Conservatoire National de Musique, is so uneven and complex that her parents and his friends are never quite sure where these two stand with respect to each other.


As the century is changing, looking back human society's uncommon and formidable developing history, we are so excited about our human beings' civilization resplendency. However, we are also under great pressure because of the hard society advancement.


It's a rugged process, especially if you haven't done it before.


Katze grinned enigmatically, Not even my Brace was ever a man.

& / Katze 难解地露齿而笑,&不平坦的我支柱曾经是男人。

Reviewing the uncommon and unsmooth development progress of human society ,We feel pride for the bright achievements of human society ,also feel worried about the hard steps of society progress .


On one side of the road rose a high rough bank where hazels and stunted oaks with their roots half exposed held uncertain tenure: the soil was too loose for the latter; and strong winds had blown some nearly horizontal.


Category: C Type: Soft-ripened Milk: Cow Origin: France Similar to Brie. Uneven rind with brown mottling and straw-colored interior. Full, rich, buttery flavor.

类别:C 类型:软质成熟奶:牛奶原产地:法国与B rie奶酪类似,不平坦的表面带有棕色条纹,内部淡黄色;味道完满、丰富,带有奶油味。

更多网络解释与不平坦的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

not all-inclusive:不全面的

17: a tortuous course: 不平坦的道路 | 18: not all-inclusive: 不全面的 | 19: take resolute measures: 采取果断措施

bumpy ride:艰难的(不平坦的)进程

bumper car 碰碰车 179 | bumpy ride 艰难的(不平坦的)进程 244 | bureaucrat n. 官僚主义者 278


在链状事务的情况下,工作被分成片段(piece),每个片段在一个平坦的(flat)事务控制之下. 一旦完成了工作的一个片段,这个片段的提交或回滚不依赖于其他的片段的状态. 检索一个就绪的(prepared)列表,启发式的(heuristically)提交或启发式的回滚事务.


Can you spare me five minutres?你能抽出五分钟和我谈谈吗? | 17.scraggly 散乱的,未梳理的,不整齐的,不平坦的,破裂的 | 18.scrawny 骨瘦如柴的,皮包骨的(指人或动物)含贬义


unbalanced load 不平衡载荷 | uncured 未干的,未硬化的 | uneven 不平坦的,奇数的


6. crooked 弯曲的 | 7. uneven 不平坦的 | 8. culture 磨炼


understand v.理解,谅解;获悉,认为, | unevenly 不平坦地 | unfamiliar a.不熟悉的


uneven 不平坦的;不平衡的,不均等的 | unevenly 不均匀的 | unexplored 未经勘探的


uneven 不平坦的;崎岖的;力量悬殊的;不稳定的 | unfitted 不合格的;未装备的;未供给的 | unfo 展开的;解开的

inequable:多变的; 不公平的 (形)

inequable 多变的; 不公平的 (形) | inequality 不均等; 不平衡; 不平等; 不平坦 (名) | inequitable 不公平的; 不公正的 (形)