英语人>词典>汉英 : 不失为 的英文翻译,例句
不失为 的英文翻译、例句


can yet be regarded as · may after all be accepted as
更多网络例句与不失为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Long time being away of my blog-full of grass, it seems that the original meaning of blog is getting more information from different way and write extensively, back to my blog, just for fun and selfish abreaction, but feeling not bad.


Buy the United States online, to Microsoft advisability of can yet be regarded as chooses.


It is a significant project for the whole media convergence cluster to agglomerate and construct its industrial value chain.


This results indicated that blood lactate is an important biochemical marker for evaluating the anoxemia condition of tissues and cells.

绪论 表明 LAC 浓度的改变不失为了解组织缺氧的可靠生化指标。

The"anticipatory autonomous learning and comprehensive teaching model"can be applied in English classes at normal colleges.


In order to supply useful reference for surgery therapy, in this article, the relationship of tissue temperature distribution and different laser applicator is researched by using Ansys software to simulate


Aim at the special history and realistic conditions of our countries, draw lessons from the advantage and advanced systems of the mode of the new generation artel, the mode that adopts the fundamental law of the artel that establishment unify and draws up the method of the special and specialized artel to combine together does not lose for the law system lawmaking mode of the our country artel reasonable to choose.


Composition Asarum and verapamil can be ...


If you are an autocrat but want to run a system of sham democracy, it is a boon if the opposition is divided.


Natural beautifulness, trapped in theory, mainly result from the idea of "human-centeredness", failing in studying natural beautifulness from the angle of original ecology.


更多网络解释与不失为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



conic projection:圆锥投影

用现代的标准来看,图1中的赤道以北地区的投影,完全符合圆锥投影(conic projection)的原理. 至于赤道以南纬16°25'之区的地区,托勒密采用变通办法,将南纬16°25'纬线画成与北纬16°25'对称的状况,并作对等的划分. 这也不失为合理. 在当时,


),而且你不可以像普通部队那样在有兵营的城市升级集团军中的部队,只可以通过不断参加战斗来升级. 如果你建了军事学院,可以把旧的集团军解散(DISBAND)获得100点物资,也不失为一种加快该城市建造的办法.

I appreciate your generalship:不失为大器

I'm always at your command 只愿追随大王左右,听候差遣 | I appreciate your generalship 不失为大器 | and your understanding 不拘泥小节

major term:大词

并用三段论中的小词(minor term)来指称宗有法,中词(middle term)指称因,大词(major term)指称宗法. 维氏以三段论注解三支作法,不失为一种研究方法,但此种处理方式忽视了三支的特性,未能恰当地界定三支作法的性质.

middle term:中词

并用三段论中的小词(minor term)来指称宗有法,中词(middle term)指称因,大词(major term)指称宗法. 维氏以三段论注解三支作法,不失为一种研究方法,但此种处理方式忽视了三支的特性,未能恰当地界定三支作法的性质.

minor term:小词

并用三段论中的小词(minor term)来指称宗有法,中词(middle term)指称因,大词(major term)指称宗法. 维氏以三段论注解三支作法,不失为一种研究方法,但此种处理方式忽视了三支的特性,未能恰当地界定三支作法的性质.


不过,人体测量学仍不失为一种有价值的方法,在古人类学(paleoanthropology)根据化石遗存研究人类起源及进化的一门学科的研究中,起到了重要作用. 头骨测量学(craniometry)是用来测量头盖骨及面部结构的一种技术,也是19世纪发展起来的.


拿著你的巴罗洛葡萄酒到那里去吧,和一桌留著马尾辫的中国时尚达人一起挤在餐厅中的苹果电脑MacBook前,不失为一件乐事;或许还可以尝试一下艺术表演空间"乒乓"(Ping Pong).

recreation park:休憩公园

与水廊(corridor on water)同处滨江景观带上的还有茅亭(thatched pavilion),这里用枯草碎枝堆压在亭顶,营造出一个相对密闭的空间,相比不远处河边的开阔视野,此处恰到好处地设置一个休憩公园(recreation park),不失为一种视域平衡的巧妙引导.