英语人>词典>汉英 : 一样菜 的英文翻译,例句
一样菜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与一样菜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has begun getting to know it and appreciate it, but his true passion, like a good Argentinean, is still asado, the country's traditional grilled meat dish.

他已经开始了解意大利菜和品味它们了,但是他的最爱,和真正的阿根廷人一样,仍然是 asado ,阿根廷传统的烤肉。

It is nowhere muddy,and a casual observer would say that there were no weeds at all in it; and of noticeable plants, except in the little meadows recently overflowed, which do not properly belong to it, a closer scrutiny does not detect a flag nor a bulrush, nor even a lily, yellow or white, but only a few small heart-leaves and potamogetons, and perhaps a water-target or two; all which however a bather might not perceive; and these plants are clean and bright like the element they grow in.


Suzhou tiger grave has a bonze only delicious wine flesh, he sees bean curd a kind dish is beetle-browed, as holding Buddhist monastic discipline person like seeing cruelly oppress is beetle-browed.


Botrytis is related to the aforementioned cabbage, as well as broccoli, and belongs to the plant order capparales.


La Cantina - With dishes like fajitas, tacos and fiery chilies, this place makes for a good party environment.

: la -菜与骨髓一样,非常喜欢和火热的红辣椒,这使得地方为党的好环境。

And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China.


My love for you is like diarrhea中国体菜, I just can't hold it.


The Baidu that remembered I had looked then is stuck the article that popularizes a website, I decide to carry out the effect, the effect is apparent, I am being stuck Zhang Baizhi of the colourful Chen Guanxi that take the door inside send my forum madly to admire to join according to the card of the door, some sticking cannot post, I search click tall, the card with low response is answered stick, ah, cannot send, I still cannot be answered ~~, in an instant the day is light already, tired, should sleep, open a website to look, had been 700 much Ip, ah, look without white take time and energy, drowse during, still insisted to write down this article, the stationmaster of dish comes to communication communication like hope and me, ace fastens jest I, summary: This promotion method suits novice practice, although this kind of method is tiredder, more traditional, but can have the effect really.


After Gowing left, Lupin came in, and in his anxiety to please Daisy Mutlar, carped at and criticised the arrangements, and, in fact, disapproved of everything, including our having asked our old friend Cummings, who, he said, would look in evening-dress like a green-grocer engaged to wait, and who must not be surprised if Daisy took him for one.


Are not convinced, and started playing open ZC, K. PK started mixing when the JJC, and several low-level, is a WOW for gamers to play the 70 from the JJC by JJC vegetables a day and then 10 games under ZC, was up a little bit of equipment , but in the first or the JJC is the first of the two dead, ha ha are not afraid, we only point, we only honor, we are a group of rookie, and we can do is take our lives, to play the enemy's blood , even though no win, never backward.

很想不通,就开始玩开ZC,开始PK 开开时JJC混了,和几个一样是WOW对低级的70玩家玩JJC 从每天JJC被菜10场然后下ZC,后来一点点的装备起来了,不过在JJC 还是第一或是第2个死掉的,哈哈不怕,我们只为点数,我们只为荣誉,我们是一群菜鸟,我们能做的就是拿我们的命,去打敌人的血,纵使根本赢不了,也从不后退的。

更多网络解释与一样菜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pink Cadillac:《粉红色凯迪拉克>

最著名的菜色是"粉红色凯迪拉克"(Pink Cadillac),就是在粉红色的鲑鱼片中卷入鲜干贝. 而49人寿司卷(49er Roll)则被誉为像是足球赛中的"底线得分"(touch-down)一样的精彩,还有听起来可布却风味超群的"毛毛虫卷"等,由这些菜名就可窥知厨师的创意.



roast chicken:鸡

只看7000多张CD堆满了一面墙壁就可以知道这是一家以音乐为中心的咖啡馆. 就像音乐一样,食物也特别丰盛. VELOSO的代表菜烤鸡(roast chicken)是用带有蒜片的法式烤鸡和在烤箱烤的土豆、地瓜、甜南瓜搭配在一起做成的,只要是吃过一次的人都会赞不绝口.



I'll have it:就是它了

Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以要和那个一样的菜吗? | I'll have it 就是它了 | I'll have whatever you recommend. 就要你推荐的




可是到了欧洲之后,我才发现,很多在台湾西餐里以为是蕃茄酱的东西,原来和蕃茄酱(ketchup)根本没有关系. 像是义大利菜里用得很广泛的蕃茄酱汁 tomato sauce,是要用洋葱碎,蕃茄和一些香料细细去熬的东西,味道也和人工的甜甜酸酸蕃茄酱完全不一样.


炸鱼薯条是社会上下层共同的食物,但现在伦敦已变成美食之都,年前以创意中菜闻名的"客家人",还以高价易手. 云集伦敦的富裕和精英阶层被称为"伦敦人"(Londoner),他们其实都是来自世界各地,正如美国的"纽约客"(New Yorker)一样.

phase transition:相转变

(用能够让中研院物理所的胡进琨教授耳朵竖起来的说法会是:这个相转变(phase transition)属於一阶或是连续相变?)我们把不同大小的铝箔揉皱成一样大的球(最右边的最大张),可以看出它们内部的结构比较像高丽菜,而不是洋葱,

water spinach:空心菜

晚餐)都很擅长做phak bung lawy faa ,翻译为"飞菜"--指的是菜在锅中腾空翻菜的形象. 看的就是做菜的过程,就好像观看调酒师使出浑身解数来准备一杯鸡尾酒一样,因为这道菜其实相当普通,就是酱油,大蒜炒空心菜(water spinach)而已.