英语人>词典>汉英 : 一巴掌 的英文翻译,例句
一巴掌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
box  ·  boxed  ·  boxes  ·  spank  ·  spanked  ·  spanks

更多网络例句与一巴掌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"At once Baner set up a clamour for some meat, but his grandmother slapped him and told him to keep away."


I might not have any of that...but glad that the decision i made or whatever happened to me brings to where i am and who i am today.


Once, when a man struck me on the side of the face, another shouted and grabbed his upraised hand before he could land the second blow.


He told me that she slaped him in the face and went out of him but no reason. Two months agao, she suddenly suggested that they should get married at the beggining of next year.


Each one of them, stapled to telephone poles and taped to street signs, was like a fresh slap in the face.


It is said brave is Dragon King nine crown princes, its staple food is the gold, silver and jewelry unexpectedly, the natural whole body confounded nuisance, was also the propitious beast's three foot toad and so on compared to calls with other, therefore very jade emperor and Dragon King love, but, ate many general meeting having diarrhea, therefore one day possibly because of could not bear defecates and urinates anywhere, annoyed the jade emperor to be angry, a palm of the hand hit, finally projected on the buttocks, the fart anus has been sealed, henceforth, the gold, silver and jewelry only could enter cannot leave, after this literary reference spread, brave regarded as gathers money is auspicious beastly.


The uncle wanted to teach it that such fraternizing with the enemy was wrong, so he slapped the kitten, scolded it and sent it away in disgrace.


They had an argument. and one friend slapped the other one in the face.


I could still feel that whack over the ass which the cop gave me in the park – though that was a mere bagatelle, a little dancing lesson, you might say.


Listen to your self talk and slap the little person criticising you, I mean it, imagine there are two people one on each shoulder, the one who criticises you give them a slap or a punch in the mouth and start to pay attention to the one who is praising you.


更多网络解释与一巴掌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AFC Ajax:阿贾克斯

2003年9月他在对阵阿贾克斯( AFC Ajax )的冠军联赛小组赛的比赛中,他因为用手背给了阿贾克斯前锋伊布拉希莫维奇( Zlatan Ibrahimovi )一巴掌,而在补时阶段被驱逐出场.

Bitch Slap:打巴掌,通常指男打男

bitch-slap 打巴掌,通常指男打男. | pin down 定下來、確認、決定 | torte 一種蛋糕

come on to:对...轻薄;吃豆腐

Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid. 别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱. | come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐 | Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her. Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌.

come on to:对...轻薄/吃豆腐(博蒙)

Don't forget to clock in, otherwise you won't get paid.别忘记打卡,否则你会没有工资的.... | come on to 对...轻薄/吃豆腐(博蒙) | Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Bill吃Tanya 豆腐,她打了他一巴掌...


有一次我说了'便秘'(constipation)一词,结果挨了一巴掌. 我受不了这种假正经. " 第38节:第三个月:11月 另一个人是壮汉,看起来像码头装卸工人或冰球教练. "我是无神论者的第二代,"他对我说,"我老爸走过教堂或犹太教会堂时就会对它们呸一口.

come easily:易如反掌

Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her. Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌. | come easily 易如反掌 | Languages come easily to some people. 语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌.


"我从小跟着卫理公会的姑姑长大,她基本上属于维多利亚时代的人,"她告诉我,"我不可以说'腿'(leg)这个词,而只能说'肢体'(limb). 有一次我说了'便秘'(constipation)一词,结果挨了一巴掌. 我受不了这种假正经.

Give sb. a good cuff on the ear:狠狠揍某人一巴掌

核对,对照:Collate | 狠狠揍某人一巴掌:Give sb. a good cuff on the ear | 红光满面:Wear a radiant face


slap 你一巴掌打在空气里. | slobber 你流了满地的口水. | smile 你非常愉快地微笑着.


残酷、惨无人道brutality | 绞死strangulation | 给...一巴掌、给...一记耳光slap