英语人>词典>英汉 : without rhyme or reason的中文,翻译,解释,例句
without rhyme or reason的中文,翻译,解释,例句

without rhyme or reason

without rhyme or reason的基本解释

莫名其妙, 毫无道理, 无缘无故地, 莫名其妙地, 毫无道理地

更多网络例句与without rhyme or reason相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If disavowal it is truth ,and that is without rhyme or reason.


There is without rhyme or reason to disavowal the fact.


Don't try to haphazardly fit your workouts into your schedule without any rhyme or reason.


It is without rhyme or reason if one tried to repudiate this truth.


A: I don't know why he gave me money without rhyme or reason.


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更多网络解释与without rhyme or reason相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Without rhyme or reason:无缘无故

489. as dull as ditch-water.枯燥无味. | 490. Without rhyme or reason.无缘无故. | 491. birds of a feather.物以类聚

Without rhyme or reason:莫名其妙

without result 毫无结果 | without rhyme or reason 莫名其妙 | without sake 无缘无故

Without rhyme or reason:莫名其妙; 毫无道理

neither rhyme nor reason既无音韵又无情节; 杂乱无章; 一无可取 | without rhyme or reason莫名其妙; 毫无道理 | 20. permission n 允许;准许;许可

Without rhyme or reason:平白无故

平分秋色 on equal terms with | 平白无故 without rhyme or reason | 平步青云 make a smashing hit

Don't take others' money without rhyme or reason. (without provocation):平白無故

永垂不朽 The general's name will be always remembered an... | 平白無故 Don't take others' money without rhyme or reason. (without provocation) | 平分秋色 He did quite well, but I still think his is one...