英语人>词典>英汉 : wander about the streets的中文,翻译,解释,例句
wander about the streets的中文,翻译,解释,例句

wander about the streets

wander about the streets的基本解释

踯躅街头, 走街串巷, 徘徊街头

更多网络例句与wander about the streets相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He began to wander about the streets, the resource of those who suffer.


They have nothing to do except wander about in the streets.


Read one of the Wanted: Grey Fox posters that are scatteredaround the city, usually near one of the entrances to each zone. If you then speak to any beggar (who wander the streets during the days and curl up on bedrolls at night), you can bribe or Speechcraft them above 70 Disposition, they'll also tell you of their adherence to the Gray Fox, and let you know about the meet in the Waterfront District.

关注一些你想要知道的,其中一个就是散布在城市中的Grey Fox海报,通常都在每个地区的入口处,接着和任何一个乞讨者说话(就是那些白天在大街上闲荡,晚上则在盖铺上蜷成一团的那些人了),你可以贿赂他们或用70点以上的友善度与他们交流,他们一样会告诉你他们对Grey Fox的忠诚,并让你知道在港口相见的事。

更多网络解释与wander about the streets相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wander about the streets:在街道上四处漫步

3 在城市中四处活动 go about the city | 在街道上四处漫步 wander about the streets | 4 打电话求助 call for help