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the Old Testament的中文,翻译,解释,例句

the Old Testament

the Old Testament的基本解释


更多网络例句与the Old Testament相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All the books of the Hebrew Old Testament are cited in the New except those which have been aptly called the Antilegomena of the Old Testament, viz., Esther, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles; moreover Esdras and Nehemias are not employed.

所有书籍的希伯来文旧约引用,在新的,除了那些已被恰当地称为antilegomena的旧约,即,埃丝特,传道书, canticles ;况且埃斯德拉斯和内赫米亚斯没有就业。

Lamentable boastfulness and petty spite about Isaac, while the Sarah of the Jewish legend is rather a weak old Eastern woman that the mother in Israel, To hold perversions of the Old Testament by the side of the New Testament conception of the motives of lives of the heroes of old, or the doctrinal inferences and teaching of the Rabbis by those of Christ and His Apostles, were to compare darkness with light.


Three of his disciples, Potitus, Basilicus, and Lucanus, are mentioned by Eusebius as being true to their master's dualism, but Apelles, his chief disciple, though he went farther than his master in rejecting the Old-Testament Scriptures, returned to monotheism by considering the Inspirer of Old-Testament prophecies to be not a god, but an evil angel.

他的三名弟子, potitus , basilicus , lucanus ,所提到的尤西比乌斯作为真正的他们掌握的二元论,但apelles ,他的首席弟子,他虽然到远超过他的主人在拒绝旧圣经经文,回到神考虑inspirer旧圣经预言将不是神,而是一种邪恶的天使。

更多网络解释与the Old Testament相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the Old Testament:旧约全书

全本<<圣经>>分为两个部分:即39卷<<旧约全书>>(the Old Testament)与27卷<<新约全书>>(the New Testament),前者简称<<旧约>>后者简称<<新约>>. 我们现在知道<<新约>>

the Old Testament:圣经

这就好比没有犹太教就不行能孕育发生其后的基督教、以致伊斯兰教,正是因此,后二者才会配合地认可原犹太教经典<<旧约圣经>>(The Old Testament)以及基督教经典<<新约圣经>>(The New Testament).

the Old Testament:观 红河谷 有感m胸部长疙瘩!旧约

the Bible 圣经 | the Old Testament 观 红河谷 有感m胸部长疙瘩!旧约 | the New Testament 新约