英语人>词典>英汉 : take off one's coat的中文,翻译,解释,例句
take off one's coat的中文,翻译,解释,例句

take off one's coat

take off one's coat的基本解释


更多网络例句与take off one's coat相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's so clod outside ,take off your thin coat and wear a thicker one instead.


To take one especially spectacular example: A traditional paisley pattern was embroidered on the sleeves of a coat, then it trailed off down the leg of the matching trousers before reappearing on the lapels of a suit and the shoulders of a sweater (which also featured a leopard-print collar). Here's another illustration: Sheeshedar, the mirrored Indian fabric you've seen in markets since time immemorial (or at least since hippies crossed the landmass from Asia to America), was used to make a pair of trousers—and matching shoes. Then it was teamed up with a poncho that could have been sliced from shaggy white yak wool. Just perfect for the backstage area of a Led Zeppelin reunion concert, but curiously incongruous for a McQueen fashion moment. Perhaps that was the problem with this show.

最明显的表现部分就是:古波斯国的传统涡纹花呢被设计师运用细腻精致的刺绣织造手法,展露在外套的袖口、西装长裤的小腿肚、西装外套的翻领、以及毛衣的双肩部份,(还有美洲豹皮纹也被添加在领口处);同时,镜面反射般的立体明暗光泽也被McQueen加强在成套的裤装/鞋款上,那种神秘的异国光泽,年代攸远似乎已不可考,但早期曾在嬉皮年代被一些摇滚乐手从印度辗转传至美洲和英国;不过可惜像是南美风格的白色堥牛毛poncho披风,却被评为,似乎适合Led Zeppelin演唱会后台的歌迷们穿著、而极不搭调在McQueen的fashion how现场。

更多网络解释与take off one's coat相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

take off one's coat:脱大衣

take occasion to 乘机 | take off one's coat 脱大衣 | take off the gloves 不饶恕

take off one's coat:脱下外衣

102 植树 plant trees | 103 脱下外衣 take off one's coat | 104 讲故事 tell a story

take off one's coat:脱掉上衣(准备打架或使劲干)

pick a hole in sb.'s coat 找人的短处[毛病] | take off one's coat 脱掉上衣(准备打架或使劲干) | The coat fits. 衣服合身. [转]说对了; 想对了.

take off one's coat:脱掉衣服

put on one's shirt:穿上衣服. | take off one's coat:脱掉衣服. | weather:天气