英语人>词典>英汉 : sound recording的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sound recording的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sound recording

sound recording的基本解释


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It is one of the important technical training, sound recording, need to learn.


Where is in the documentary, they need help, so I was recording sound.


If you want a sound recording of these sentences, just qq me 412690317 and I will be happy to share them with you.

如果你想听这些句子的录音的话,直接通过QQ 412690317 联系我,我很乐意和你一起分享。

Sound recording for films and television is done with a vast array of equipment and techniques.


Most people on Earth have seen some kind of motion picture or heard some kind of sound recording.


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更多网络解释与sound recording相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sound recording:录音

能无失真地放声的立体声留声机已成为高传真声音系统(high-fidelity sound system)的一个组成部分. 直到1980年代留声机和唱片被卡式录音带和雷射唱片大量取代前,它们是家庭放音的主要手段. 参阅录音(sound recording)条.

sound recording:音

录音(sound recording)分销与电信市场我不知道本案的案卷究竟有多厚,可能应该用公斤或公尺来统计. 美国法律团队和专家组表现出来的职业精神让人感慨. 有些事情在中国宛如一个巨大的事实迷宫,部门权责的区分与重叠,

sound recording:录音资料;见

Audio-visual materials 视听资料 | Audiorecording 录音资料;见 Sound recording | Author 著者;见 Personal author

sound recording:唱片;见

Personal heading 人名标目;参见Heading. | Phonorecord 唱片;见 Sound recording . | Photocopy 照相复制品

recording, sound recording:录音

montage 剪辑 | recording, sound recording 录音 | sound effects 音响效果

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