英语人>词典>英汉 : sensation-mongering的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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3 His mechanical philosophy of nature was a sharp break with the prevailing conception as represented by Renaissance natural philosophy, and scarcely less of a break with Aristotelianism; and in his sensation of making a fresh start he spoke for 17th century science as a whole.


After the normal degermation of acupoints,the points of double LI20 with needles of 1cun is punctured, directing the needles on double LI20 to nasion, even reforcing and reducing after developing needle sensation, and be sure to make needle sensation into nasal cavity;puncture DU23 with the needle of 1cun,directing the needle to forehead ,twirling and rotating until the generation of needle sensation;puncture perpendicularly double LI4 with the needle of 1.5 cun, reforcing and reducing after developing needle sensation, manipulating every 10 minutes;puncture perpendicularly double St36 with needle of 1.5cun,reforcing by lifting, thrusting ,twirling and rotating after developing needle sensation.

针取30号毫针。穴位常规消毒后,用1寸毫针针刺双迎香,针尖朝向鼻根部,得气后行平补平泻法,针感传达至鼻腔中;上星用1寸毫针针刺,针尖朝向前额部,快速捻转,以产生针感为度;以1.5寸毫针直刺双合谷,得气后行平补平泻法,以上三穴每10 min捻针一次,留针30min;以1.5寸毫针直刺足三里,得气后行提插捻转补法,留针30 min。

Methods There were 100 cases in normal group and 36 cases in group of chest injuries. All cases were performed in volume scan according to conventional chest scan by SIEMENS Sensation 4 MSCT , then performed in thin slice low and high contrast image reconstructions. After that, all the source images were input into CT 3D work stations,costicartilage were imaged by post process software such as multiplanar reconstructions, maximum intensity projection, surface shade display and volume rendering technique. All the pictures were observed and analyzed by two radiologists.

利用西门子Sensation 4 多层螺旋CT机按照胸部常规扫描条件对胸部外伤组36例和对照组100例患者进行容积扫描,然后进行薄层低对比及高对比图像重建,并将重建图像导入CT三维(3D)工作站,利用多平面重建成像、最大密度投影、表面遮盖法成像及容积成像技术对图像进行后处理,由2名CT诊断医生一起对各种后处理图像进行观察和分析。

更多网络解释与sensation-mongering相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sensation threshold:感觉阈限

sensation therapy 感觉疗法 | sensation threshold 感觉阈限 | sensation time 感觉时间

sensation threshold:感觉阈值

sensation scale 感觉尺度 | sensation threshold 感觉阈值 | sensation unit 感觉单位

temperature sensation:温度觉

压觉适应 pressure sensation adaptation | 温度觉 temperature sensation | 生理零度 physiological zero