英语人>词典>英汉 : relay station的中文,翻译,解释,例句
relay station的中文,翻译,解释,例句

relay station

relay station的基本解释

[电] 中断电台

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A relay station is set up to improve the reception of TV broadcasts in this area.


C . It serves as a radio, telephone and TV relay station.


If different broadcasters use the same relay station, they are all counted separately.


Another function is to serve as a relay station between ground communication nodes and individual end-users.


If there is no relay station within about 50 kilometers to receive the microwaves, they will continue into space.


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更多网络解释与relay station相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

relay station:中继站

主要目标:1、夺回前进基地2、坚守阵地,等待增援部队3、摧毁盟军中继站(relay station) 次要目标:1、占领纳米蜂巢(nanoswarm hives)2、歼灭苏军任务开始后,让百合子沿着公路推进,将坦克举到空中炸毁,并用附属技能对付集群步兵,

relay station:中继台

relay relief valve 串联供水安全阀 | relay station 中继台 | relay supply-hose 中继供水水带

relay station:中继站;转播站

relay n.接力;接替人;中转 v.接替,补充;转运 | relay station 中继站;转播站 | religion n.宗教

relay station:交接站

\\"弛缓素松弛素\\",\\"relaxin\\" | \\"交接站\\",\\"relay-station\\" | \\"释出\\",\\"release\\"

active relay station:有源中继站

有源遥感器 active sensor | 有源中继站 active relay station | 诱发 invocation

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