英语人>词典>英汉 : reach agreement的中文,翻译,解释,例句
reach agreement的中文,翻译,解释,例句

reach agreement

reach agreement的基本解释


更多网络例句与reach agreement相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scholars of Chinese and foreign have beneficially discussed about the Spirit of Science, but they didn t reach agreement.


We therefore decree that if the person alleges he holds the judge suspect, let him bring before the same judge an action of just suspicion; and he himself in agreement with his adversary (or with the judge, if he happens not to have an adversary) shall together choose arbiters or, if by chance they are unable to reach agreement together, he shall choose one arbiter and the other another, to take cognisance of the action of suspicion.


I once silently prayed for you that I was once deep for you pull the soul, I and the prairie have approximately to decide, reach agreement to relate that missing the sentiment, walks arm in arm now in the prairie bosom, lets this agreement congeal eternal.


更多网络解释与reach agreement相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

reach an agreement:达成一致

双方达成一致(reach an agreement)后,买卖双方说:意思当然是相当于(be equivalent to)"成交",字面意义(literal meaning)却只是"这是一笔交易". 注意found既可能是find的过去式,也可能是另一个词"建立",建一个啥第一件事是foundation(根基),

reach an agreement:达成协议

同时并购各方为达成对各自最为有利的条件和价格而制造出的压力和形成的博弈,均导致并购项目在结构设计上和并购程序上的迥异. 在千差万别中寻求一致并达成协议(reach an agreement)是并购项目的特征,而该特征往往注定了项目执行的极大挑战性和所需的非凡创造力.

reach an agreement with:和...达成协议

sign an agreement with和...签定协议 | reach an agreement with和...达成协议 | has a population of有着...人口