英语人>词典>英汉 : purified water的中文,翻译,解释,例句
purified water的中文,翻译,解释,例句

purified water

purified water的基本解释

净化水, 净水

更多网络例句与purified water相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method comprises steps as follows:(1) Chinese herbal medicines are taken and added with purified water for soaking, with the material-to-water ratio of 1:10;(2) the Chinese herbal medicines with the purified water are placed in a microwave heating system; the power of the microwave and the radiation extraction time are controlled;(3) leaching liquor is poured out and put into a centrifuge for centrifugation to obtain the Chinese herbal medicine water extract;(4) polyethersulfone ultrafiltration film is arranged in an ultrafilter; the Chinese herbal medicine water extract is poured into the ultrafilter and placed in a normal pressure type microwave heating system; and (5) the power of the microwave and the radiation extraction time are controlled and the pressure of nitrogen is regulated so as to obtain the purified Chinese herbal medicine water extract.


Iii. Process Water cont'd Type 3 Water - Purified Water (e.g., USP Purified Water), in Europe the EMEA refers to this a Highly Purified Water - Most difficult to control microbial levels, because no preservative chlorine is present in the water -Less expensive to produce than Water for Injection Type 4 Water - The most critical quality level -Commonly used in final formulation for parenteral applications -Must satisfy the Water for Injection specification as laid out in compendia such as the USP iii.

工艺水 第3类型水-纯化水,在欧洲,EMEA称为高纯水。-控制微生物水平最困难,因为水中没有防腐的氯。-与注射用水比较,生产成本较低第4类型水-最高质量要求-通常用于非肠道用药的最后制剂中-必须符合诸如美国药典这类法定文本中描述的注射用水的规格

When drinking purified water or mineral spring water from , except enjoying the convenience brought by them, we also want to possess health brought by purified water. But is this way to drink water really healthy and hygeian?


更多网络解释与purified water相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

purified water:纯净水

事实:一般而言,纯净水(Purified Water)其实是经过滤的自来水. 而天然泉水(Spring Water)及自流水(Artesian Water)则是来自地壳深层的水泉. 至於矿泉水(Mineral Water)就是来自地底的天然矿泉的水,而自然矿物质含量会比泉水和自流水高.

purified water:净水

事实:一般而言,纯净水(Purified Water)其实是经过滤的自来水. 而天然泉水(Spring Water)及自流水(Artesian Water)则是来自地壳深层的水泉. 至於矿泉水(Mineral Water)就是来自地底的天然矿泉的水,而自然矿物质含量会比泉水和自流水高.

purified water:純水

纯水(Purified Water)Octyl 软脂酸 (Octyl Palmitate)警告: 不要使用在脸上或脖子上. 使用时,请远离眼睛. 如果不小心用到眼睛上, 请去看医师. 不要使用在乳头, 黏膜(MUCOUS MEMBRANES) 或 有受伤的皮肤上. 当使用这个产品时,避免太阳日晒.