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new book的中文,翻译,解释,例句

new book

new book的基本解释


更多网络例句与new book相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The researcher summarizes three major conclusions as follows. First, 88% of library users suggest the purchase of library materials by utilizing the union catalog, a bibliographic database of ISBNnet, developed by the National Central Library of Taiwan. This method helps increase the reservation of new arrivals on the New Book Display, from the rate of 1.48% to 5.59%. Evidently, the use of the union catalog of ISBNnet as the bibliographic source of library acquisition improves the quality of library collection. Second, with the launch of the Book Recommendation System, it requires only a single staff to deal with the duplication check of book copies; meanwhile, it reduces dramatically the chances of careless purchase of multiple copies of a single work from the rate of 31.23% to 3.53%. Finally, the acquisition model of Inter-Entity Supply Contract shortens the lead time from some time between 55 and 90 days to 36 days in the library acquisition procedures.


It wasn't until he accidentally came across the book "New York Noir: Crime Pictures from the Daily News Archive" in 2005 that he was struck by the force of portraying violence and had the idea of re-enacting some of the scenes from the pictures in the book.

但直到2005年一次偶然的机会,他看到了《纽约黑影:纽约日报新闻档案之犯罪照片录》(New York Noir: Crime Pictures from the Daily News Archive)一书并从中感受到描绘暴力的强大冲击力时,他才开始萌发出复制书中照片里的某些场景并进行拍摄的计划。

An introduction provided by Charlotte Blodget, who was Mr. Adam-ski's literary aide in writing his new book, provides a framework which helps to better understand tile book. Mrs. Blodget also contributes a biographical sketch of George Adamski which completes the book.

亚当斯基新书的助手,夏洛特·Blodget 提供了一个导读,提供有助于更好地了解书的一个框架,同样Blodget夫人贡献了传记草图帮助乔治·亚当斯基完成这本书。

更多网络解释与new book相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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