英语人>词典>英汉 : montan wax的中文,翻译,解释,例句
montan wax的中文,翻译,解释,例句

montan wax

montan wax的基本解释

[化] 褐煤蜡

更多网络例句与montan wax相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The part consisting of carbon rod and depolarisation substance, if not prepared for immediate use, must be swrapped in gauze and yarn treated with MONTAN WAX.


Montan wax is a mixture of wax, resin and asphalten, in Which resin shows harmful effect on the quality of montan wax,Thus it must be removed in advance.


The part consisting of carb on rod and depolarisation substance , if not prepared for immediate use , must be swrapped in gauze and yarn treated with MONTAN WAX .


Deresination of crude montan wax was performed by cooling crystallization method based on the solubility difference between wax and resin in benzene at lower temperature.


It was shown that deresination of crude montan wax depends mainly on the wax concentration in benzene solution, cooling rate, final cooling temperature and addition of seeds erc,of which wax concentration and final cooling temperature were the most important.


更多网络解释与montan wax相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

montan wax:褐煤蜡

详细描述: 由于川蜡(Chinese Insect Wax)、褐煤蜡(Montan Wax)、巴西棕榈蜡(Carnauba Wax)等蜡性能优异、应用领域广泛,所以其不仅价格昂贵而且货源紧张. 为此,我们用化学方法合成了物理化学性能与这些蜡相近且能很好满足使用要求的乳化型OP合成蜡,

montan wax:地蜡

monomineral ore 单矿物矿石 | montan wax 地蜡 | montesite 硫钨铅矿

montan wax:褐碳蠟

孟山都織物皺紋回復角測定 Monsanto reovery angle method | 褐碳蠟 montan wax | 傢俱絨頭織物 moquette

montan wax:粗褐煤蜡,褐煤蜡,蒙丹蜡

Montagnac cloth 蒙塔纳克卷手呢 | montan wax 粗褐煤蜡,褐煤蜡,蒙丹蜡 | montanic acid 褐煤酸

crude montan wax:粗褐煤蜡

crude medicines 药材 | crude montan wax 粗褐煤蜡 | crude naphthalene 工业萘

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