英语人>词典>英汉 : margining的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] margin的现在分词


页边的空白, 边缘, 差数, 界限, 余裕, 差额, 保证金, 利润


加边于, 加旁注于

更多网络例句与margining相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Appreciating the launching of margining system, he said it was step in the right direction which will not only improve liquidity position of the large brokers and also create avenues for catering to retail sector.


Follow the situation the number of floating woman in some margining and poor areas of Guizhou Province is increased, and the crimes of trafficking in woman is also increased.


Fewer firms would be covered by margining and capital requirements, and fewer derivatives would be cleared by a central counterparty or traded on exchanges.


Available options include: over-voltage protection, margining, AC power fail and DC power good logic signals, and remote on/off.


This was stated by the chairman SECP Razi-ur-Rehman while speaking at the launching of financial institutions' margining system of National Clearing Company of Pakistan Ltd here Monday.

这说明,由委员长合作进程Razi -乌尔-拉赫曼在谈到在开展对金融机构的金制的国家中央结算公司的巴基斯坦有限公司在这里,周一。

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更多网络解释与margining相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

margining process:计算按金程序

margined premium 以按金形式缴付的期权金 | margining process 计算按金程序 | mark to market / mark-to-market 按市价计值

margining process:计算押金步伐

要约 offer | 计算押金步伐 margining process | 负债 liabilities

margining process:计算按 程序

margined premium 以按 形式缴付的期权 | margining process 计算按 程序 | mark the close 设定收市价

margining process:计较 按金轨范

要约 offer | 计较 按金轨范 margining process | 欠债 liabilities

gross margining:总额保证金制度

gross margin 毛利 | gross margining 总额保证金制度 | gross output 总产出;总产值;总产量

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