英语人>词典>英汉 : lieutenant governor的中文,翻译,解释,例句
lieutenant governor的中文,翻译,解释,例句

lieutenant governor

lieutenant governor的基本解释

副总督, 副州长

更多网络例句与lieutenant governor相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My father ran for lieutenant governor of Hawaii.


He later admitted that the purpose of his campaign was to abolish the office of lieutenant governor.


The governor general and lieutenant governors represent the Queen, who is Canada's head of state.


Being the new Lieutenant Governor of Marketing, it was completely a new learning journey to me and it was very rewarding!


Knoll, was the first woman elected as the state's lieutenant governor.


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更多网络解释与lieutenant governor相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lieutenant governor:副总督

省法律的通过需要省议院(provincial assembly)和女王代理人副总督(Lieutenant Governor)的批准. 联邦和省选举至少每五年应举行一次,也可以根据需要提前举行. 如果一个少数政府一个提案(bill)在议院没有获得通过,必须进行重新选举.

lieutenant governor:省督

省议会由女王或女王的代表省督(Lieutenant Governor)与省议院组成. 各省省督由总理推荐,总督任命. 省议会为一院制,不分众议院和参议院. 联邦政府主要负责外交和具有全国性影响的国内事务如国防安全、对外政策、人口统计、发行货币、邮政服务、移民和公民资格审定、印第安人事务以及全国性的经济政策和税收等等.

lieutenant governor:副州长

interior minister内政(务)部长 | lieutenant governor副州长 | majority leader多数党领袖

lieutenant governor:副州长;副督

Lietuvos Respublikos Auksciausioji Taryba;立陶宛共和国最高委员会;; | lieutenant-governor;副州长;副督;; | LIEVANO, Indalecio;因达莱西奥.利埃瓦诺;;

The lieutenant governor:副州长

70. The secretary of state 州务卿 | 71. The lieutenant governor 副州长 | 72. Squeamish 过于拘谨的

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