英语人>词典>英汉 : legal action的中文,翻译,解释,例句
legal action的中文,翻译,解释,例句

legal action

legal action的基本解释


更多网络例句与legal action相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Urban housing dismantlement is the mixture of many kinds of legal relationship and many kinds of legal action.


One approach may be to use one of the most sophisticated of the new online social networking sites, such as Legal OnRamp, that offer tools you can use to turn skepticism into educated enlightenment and action.

你可以使用最复杂的新型在线社交网站,如Legal OnRamp,把他们的怀疑化作受教育的启示和行动。

In South Africa's Minister of Health and others versus Treatment Action Campaign and others, 2002, the Treatment Action Campaign, having teamed up with other NGOs such as legal resource center, children's rights center, the Community Law Centre, the Institute for Democracy in South Africa and Cotlands baby sanctuary, protected the rights and interests of AIDS patients and susceptible groups by transporting low-cost AIDS drugs, oppose pharmaceutical association's attempt to stop legislation supporting affordable AIDS drugs and demanding the government to make the drug nevirapine available at all medical facilities to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission.

南非2002年卫生部长等诉治疗行动运动组织等(Minister of Health and Others v Treatment Action Campaign and Others)案件中,治疗行动运动组织联合其他非政府组织如:法律资源中心、儿童权利中心、社区法律中心、南非民主学会以及Cotlands婴儿避难所等,通过运送低价艾滋病药物、反对医药制造协会通过诉讼的手段阻止立法对于普通的和较廉价的艾滋病药物的支持,要求政府在所有国家医疗机构中提供Nevaripine这种被广泛推荐用来减少母婴之间传播的抗逆转录病毒药物等方式,来维护艾滋病患者和易受艾滋病感染群体的利益。

更多网络解释与legal action相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

action integral:作用积分

action group | 行动小组 | action integral | 作用积分 | action introducing legal proceedings | 起诉行为

action of assumpsit:因违约损害要求赔偿的诉讼

action of appeal上诉诉讼 | action of assumpsit因违约损害要求赔偿的诉讼 | action of changing legal relation变更法律关系的诉讼

a legal holiday:法定假日

take a legal action提起诉讼 | a legal holiday法定假日 | the legal limit法定速度