英语人>词典>英汉 : lasciviously的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与lasciviously相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He always stares lasciviously at beautiful girls passing by.


He always stares lasciviously at beautiful girls passing by in the Bar.


He looked at me lasciviously .


A duty which bears the brunt as the packing decoration design, is uses "lasciviously", but a cardinal principle is: Selects the purity to be high, the color step span few contrast clear color combination, makes every effort to achieve the color purely succinct, unique bright.


Is mainly through the time background which as well as the biography experience inquisition locates to author Liang Chenyu,explored it to create "Huan Sha Ji" such has poured into the traditional historical story the deep political content,while eulogized struggle spirit which more country rulers and the ministers vigorous planned to be stronger,make determined efforts,also criticized the Wu rulers and the ministers sybaritism,to be greedy for money lasciviously,does not distinguish loyal deceitful decayed essential the dramatic work behind,what were more was to mold the painstaking care which the Xi Shi image poured into,namely Xi Shi has represented Liang Chenyu in the ideal character image,and was reposing author's ideal of life.


更多网络解释与lasciviously相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


11. paranoid: 神经兮兮的,多疑的,患妄想症的. | 12. lasciviously: 淫荡的,好色的 | 13. lunge:猛冲,通常是带攻击性的.


lascivious /淫荡的/ | lasciviously /淫荡地/好色地/ | lase /发出激光/以激光照射/

lasciviously:好色地; 挑动情欲地; 淫乱地, 猥亵地 (副)

lascivious 好色的; 挑动情欲的; 淫荡的 (形) | lasciviously 好色地; 挑动情欲地; 淫乱地, 猥亵地 (副) | lasciviousness 好色; 挑动情欲; 淫乱, 猥亵 (名)

He looked at me lasciviously:他色迷迷地打量我

10. It was cobbled together. 这是胡乱拼凑成的. | 1. He looked at me lasciviously. 他色迷迷地打量我. | 2. Keep your ear to the ground. 警觉一点.