英语人>词典>英汉 : inflex的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

inflex [in' fleks]


弯曲, 挠曲

更多网络例句与inflex相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With inflex with Latino nations increases to 2.11. The bear minimum required to sustain the culture.


AVAcl - AVAcl is intended to be called from within AV scanning scripts such as Inflex and AMaViS, to provide an ACL type facility such that adminitrators can provide finer control over their file type/name/content/email blocking.

AVAcl旨在从AV扫描脚本(如Inflex 和AMaViS)内部被调用,可以提供一个ACL类型设施,以让管理员可以更精细地控制他们的文件类型/名字/内容/电子邮件块。

Ebola - Ebola is used as a bridge between AV engines (e.g., Sophos) and scanning scripts (e.g., Inflex and AMaViS) to provide much-improved performance by handling file scanning requests on behalf of the scripts while keeping a SINGLE session of the AV engine open, rather than restarting one each time.

Ebola用作AV引擎(如,Sophos和扫描脚本(如,Inflex 和AMaViS)之间的一个桥接,它代表脚本来处理文件扫描请求,同时保持AV引擎的SINGLE 会话处于开放状态,而不是每次都要重新启动设备,这样大大改进了性能。

First described the current production flow about company A briefly; Secondly, analyses its manufacture scene strictly according to theory of constraint thinking process,through structured Current Reality Tree finding out its bottleneck;By structured conflict picture, seek the inflex


更多网络解释与inflex相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

water inflex:水侵

"water incursion","水侵" | "water inflex","水侵" | "water infusion","煤层注水"